The conferences held during the Ars Electronica Festival bring international personalities on stage to examine contemporary issues from a range of perspectives.
The Transformation Lounge offers a space for discussion and introduces innovative approaches of companies to tackle global challenges and move forward to a more sustainable future.
Ownership and truth in the age of artificial intelligence – the Ars Electronica Festival 2023 will explore this spectrum of topics and the questions they raise.
How can we use AI as a creative resource in the future? An audiovisual interpretation of an AI composition invites reflection.
When creativity becomes visible: a unique performance of pianist Maki Namekawa, visualized live by her brain waves and body signals.
It’s the third pillar of Ars Electronica, and we’re all a part of it: In part three of our annual review, we’ll tell you what the “Society” in our name stands for.
How will future generations earn income – and how can work serve a common good? An open discussion at the Futurelab Day.
50 years after “The Limits to Growth” Club of Rome with “Earth4All” warns about the consequences of social inequality for our planet: A Survival Guide for Humanity
WebExpression, an audiovisual interpretation of data for Cisco Systems makes abstract dynamics visible, telling a story about hybrid corporate culture.
BMW, Supersense and Ars Electronica Futurelab focused on the automobile in the midst of the climate and energy crisis.
How can creativity and art help society face crises in a resilient way? The Ars Electronica Futurelab is looking for answers.
What does this war mean for each of us? A visualization of facts and figures explains the consequences of an invasion.
Finding common ground through a new perspective? During the Ars Electronica Festival, a meeting zone of a different sort is created in the form of the treetop talks.
Cuba visits Linz: A delegation from the Cuban Computer Science Union finds inspiration in the Ars Electronica Futurelab’s unique concept.
What lifestyle changes are you willing to make to reduce your greenhouse gas emissions? Challenge your choices!
Outside is winter, inside we harvest our own grain. Three months we have struggled, spent more than 400 euros, but harvested less than 800 grams of barley.
To counteract climate change, plastics must be handled differently. Design, life cycle, recycling on the one hand, industry, society and politics on the other hand are needed for this.
We all shape future – constantly. In the process, we are confronted with major challenges, from the climate crisis to digital transformation.