Ars Electronica: Workshop Series on AI x Education

Workshop, January 27, 2021

An internal Workshop Series with three workshops for the partner organisations of the AI Lab was organized by Ars Electronica on 27. January 2021. The third workshop that took place from 15:00 – 17:00 CET was titled AI and Education across Europe. This workshop gave an overview on different best-practice workshops developed by external organisations, as well as by artists.
• AIxFuture presented by Lorenza Delucchi (MEET)
• Elements of AI – how to demystify AI presented by Ville Sinisalo (Reaktor)
• AI and Education at Aalto University presented by Eva Durrall
• “Flow” presented by Luc Steels (GLUON)
• GAES presented by Lea Deshusses (Hexagone Scène Nationale Arts Sciences)