

  • Raphael Elias Schaumburg-Lippe

    Raphael Elias Schaumburg-Lippe

    Senior Designer & Artist

    Raphael Schaumburg-Lippe is Senior Artist & Designer at the Ars Electronica Futurelab. He is currently working on stereoscopic photography and videography as well as computer generated animation for 3D applications in Deep Space 8K. As a show designer, he was part of the Spaxels drone team from 2017 and developed workflows specially tailored to robot…

  • Nicolas Naveau

    Nicolas Naveau

    Lead Designer & Artist

    “Real generosity towards the future lies in giving all to the present.” by Albert Camus, Notebooks 1935-1942 Nicolas Naveau studied art at the Fine Art School in Angers, France. From 1997 to 2002 he worked as a course instructor for French culture (art history, comics, cinema) at the Centre for Adult Education in Vienna. Due…

  • Manuel Dobusch

    Manuel Dobusch

    Senior Researcher

    Manuel has been working in the Ars Electronica Futurelab since 2019, where he is concerned particularly with swarm robotics. As a software engineer, he is working in most areas of the project, from embedded software on the robots to the software controlling the robots run on PCs. After studying at the University of Applied Sciences…

  • Johannes Pöll

    Johannes Pöll

    Lead Designer & Artist

    “Platforms don’t look like how they work and don’t work like how they look.” by Benjamin H Bratton, The Stack: On Software and Sovereignty Johannes Pöll has started as a researcher and artist at the Ars Electronica Futurelab in 2017. Already ten years prior to this tenure, he performed as a Computational Noise musician at…

  • Horst Hörtner

    Horst Hörtner

    Senior Director and Co-Founder of Ars Electronica Futurelab, CTO of Ars Electronica

    “The future is ours to create!… and every day, we all are doing just that” Horst Hörtner is a distinguished media artist and researcher specializing in human-machine interaction. He holds several patents in this field, particularly on technologies related to drone swarm flights (outdoor drone shows “Spaxels”), which his lab presented as a world premiere…

  • Roland Haring

    Roland Haring

    Managing Director / Technical Director

    “The act of creation is a kind of ritual. The origins of art and human existence lie hidden in this mystery of creation. Human creativity reaffirms and mystifies the power of life.” by Keith Haring Roland Haring studied Media Technology and Design at Hagenberg University of Applied Sciences. Since 2003, he has been a member…

  • Hideaki Ogawa

    Hideaki Ogawa

    Managing Director / Artistic Director

    “Art is a catalyst for shaping a better future society.” Hideaki Ogawa (JP/AT) is a creative catalyst, artist, educator, curator and researcher in the field of art, technology, and society. He is currently a Co Director of Ars Electronica Futurelab as well as a Director of Ars Electronica Japan. His special research focus is Art…

  • Friedrich Bachinger

    Friedrich Bachinger

    Senior Developer & Researcher

    “Nothing is as old as yesterday’s success.” by Freddy Quinn Friedrich’s role in the Ars Electronica Futurelab corresponds to a software developer with a focus on human-computer interaction. His repertoire ranges from the realization of real-time applications (Unity, Unreal) to web applications (Angular, Django, Spring Boot, …). Currently, he dedicates his time to the Cinematic…

  • Erwin Reitböck

    Erwin Reitböck

    Senior Producer

  • Daniel Rammer

    Daniel Rammer

    Lead Developer & Researcher

    Daniel joined the Ars Electronica Futurelab in 2018. Since then, his focus has been in the fields of swarm robotics. As a senior researcher, he is developing software solutions around the domain of swarm control systems. Before Daniel entered the Futurelab he studied Media Technology and Design and Interactive Media. he was also working as…

  • Ali Nikrang

    Ali Nikrang

    Key Researcher & Artist

    “At least until artificial intelligence makes us smarter, it won’t change the world for the better.” AI generated text (Grover, AllenAI) Ali Nikrang is a multidisciplinary artist and researcher at the intersection of music and AI. He works as a researcher and artist at the Ars Electronica Futurelab and is also a professor of AI…

  • Alexandre Bizri

    Alexandre Bizri

    Researcher & Artist

    “As for the future, your task is not to foresee it, but to enable it.“ by Antoine de Saint-Exupéry in The Little Prince With an engineering background, and wishing to push human creativity and ingenuity forward, Alexandre takes a particular interest in espousing a multidisciplinary approach in his research. Of particular interest to him are…