Future Thinking Pop Up
Prompt Battle
Sebastian Schmieg (DE)
Prompts sind jene präzise formulierten Anweisungen oder Fragen, die einem KI-Programm dazu dienen, spezifische Ergebnisse zu generieren. Entdecken, entwickeln oder trainieren Sie Ihre Promting Skills an der Prompt Battle Training Station.
Expedition ζ
Expedition ε
Expedition δ
Expedition γ
Expedition β
Expedition α
AI5production Data privacy information
This interactive workshop is based on the current exhibition "Understanding Artificial Intelligence" at the Ars Electronica Center. It is designed to give participants a basic understanding of artificial intelligence and an awareness of the importance of this topic.
AI5production Future Insights: Artificial Intelligence
This interactive workshop is based on the current exhibition "Understanding Artificial Intelligence" at the Ars Electronica Center. It is designed to give participants a basic understanding of artificial intelligence and an awareness of the importance of this topic.