Artistic Journalism vol.1: Understanding AI

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Fri Nov 4, 2022, 8:30 am - 10:00 am
All times are given in Central European Summer Time (CEST / UTC +2).

Ars Electronica Futurelab director Hideaki Ogawa teaches an online course entitled “Artistic Journalism” at Keio University SFC. This experimental series of classes discusses artistic journalism through a unique guided tour and dialogue in the Ars Electronica Center. Since 2020, we are faced with COVID-19 and the various social changes cascading from it. How will we face these dramatic changes, how will we have our own compass, and how will we live in the future? In this course, we envision artistic journalism as a new media, place, and system for broadly experiencing and discussing the future. Through the activities of Ars Electronica Center, based in Linz, Austria, we will create a dialogue with new knowledge that cannot be conveyed by books, newspapers and online media alone, and discuss how to apply this dialogue to future life and society.

In this first lecture, the focus is on artificial intelligence and its various applications. The main exhibition within the Ars Electronica Center, Understanding AI, invites visitors to not just ask questions about AI and learn about it: among scientific explanations, many artistic applications and installations allow us to speculate, dream and play with AI scenarios of the future. Guests Christoph Kremer, Managing Director of the Ars Electronica Center, and Nicole Gruneis, Head of Education & Content Development, will discuss how to use AI technology in a human way.