At home with… Enrique Tomás
This week's "At home with..." conversation is with Enrique Tomás, a sound artist and researcher who dedicates his time to finding new ways of expression and play with sound, art and technology.
At home with... Nana Tylo
This week, Home Delivery brings you a talk with Nana Tylo, a Vienna-based artist who works mainly in the fields of drawing and animation.
At home with... the AK Future Fund
At home with... in conversation with Bernhard Mader (coordinator of the AK Future Fund "Arbeit – Menschen – Digital") will this time deal with questions of digitisation and the funding of projects in which employees benefit from innovation.
Conference: Computer Algebra in Scientific Computing
As part of the CASC 2020 Conference, Ars Electronica Home Delivery brings you a special presentation from Deep Space with not only stunning visuals but also interesting insights into the technical background.
Symposium: Spirits that I've cited! – Artificial intelligence and its impact on society, democracy and education (part 2)
In order to avoid feeling like Goethe's Sorcerer's Apprentice, the symposium will work out how artificial intelligence already influences all of our lives, where AI is already "thinking" or even has already taken over thinking.
Symposium: Spirits that I've cited! – Artificial intelligence and its impact on society, democracy and education (part 1)
In order to avoid feeling like Goethe's Sorcerer's Apprentice, the symposium will work out how artificial intelligence already influences all of our lives, where AI is already "thinking" or even has already taken over thinking.
Inside Festival: Serbia, Helsingør: An AI Lab Journey from Collective Memories to the Garden of Digital Prayers
From the perspective of 13 major cultural operators, the European ARTificial Intelligence Lab centers visions, expectations and fears that we associate with the conception of a future, all-encompassing artificial intelligence. Through an extensive activity programme in the form of exhibitions, labs, workshops, conferences, talks, performances, concerts and residencies the project fosters interdisciplinary work, transnational mobility and intercultural exchange. Our Home Delivery session will give you insight into some activities that our partners are doing.
Symposium: The Civil Society of the Future
When, if not now, to talk about the future of civil society? This symposium with experts, activists and decision-makers will focus on what approaches and strategies for civil society engagement we need, who and what it takes to establish them and, last but not least, what we all actually expect from the "civil society of the future".
At home with... ULF – Unabhängiges LandesFreiwilligenzentrum
As a cooperation partner for the symposium "The Civil Society of the Future" at the Ars Electronica Festival 2020, ULF, the Independent State Volunteer Center, will this time be guest in At home with...
Inside Festival: Brussels, Silicon Valley, Paris: An AIxMUSIC Journey from Data to Harmony
Last year’s launch of the AIxMusic Festival at the extraordinary site of St. Florian Monastery was a huge success. This year, the festival provides deep insight into the latest research and artistic practices developed in conjunction with artificial intelligence, with special attention to its potential to facilitate networked remote collaboration among musicians.
Inside Festival: Johannesburg, San Sebastian, Dublin: A Journey from the Virtual Blackout to the Garden of Dark Matter
Today, Manuela Naveau and Laura Welzenbach take Home Delivery viewers to the Ars Electronica Gardens in South Africa, Spain and Ireland!
Inside Festival: the festival for virtual guests
Moderated by Martin Honzik, Veronika Liebl will speak about the various digital formats that will be introduced with this year's online journeys like the Ars Electronica Journeys and Mozilla Hubs.
Press conference: Ars Electronica Festival Highlights 2020
Gerfried Stocker, Martin Honzik und Horst Hörtner present the highlights of this year's Ars Electronica Festival "In Kepler's Gardens – a global journey mapping the 'new' world" that will be taking place from September 9 to September 13 at the JKU Campus and over 120 locations worldwide.
Inside Futurelab: Algorithmic Apperception
With Inside Futurelab, artist, producer and key researcher Stefan Mittlböck-Jungwirth-Fohringer will be speaking on the topic of Poetic Systems, which is the field of his artistic research in the context of art and architecture within the Ars Electronica Futurelab.
Inside Festival: the create your world festival
In addition to the usual exhibitions, symposia, concerts and events, create your world is the future initiative that poses important questions for the next generation. In Home Delivery the organisers will talk about the programme of CoderDojo Linz and explain the projects robodrum, Tagtool and Baukasten der Zukunft.
Inside Festival: A Journey from Kepler's Garden into the Deep Space
At home with... Irene Posch
At home with... Irene Posch presents not just a university professor working in Linz, but also a jury member of the 2020 Prix Ars Electronica and a former colleague who developed interactive installations and entire exhibitions for the Ars Electronica Futurelab.
Inside Futurelab: Algorithmic Apperception
Physical space is something merely exclusively entitled to humans. It is where we walk, explore, engage with others. How we utilize space, how we interact, where we stand transports a lot about feelings, mood, intimacy. Algorithmic Apperception investigates ways to admit artificial systems into this space. It is the ambition to enable machines to not only sense their environment but make sense of it.
Inside Festival: Vilnius, Buenos Aires, Los Angeles: A Journey from Groves to Grooves and to the Garden of Curiosity
With locations across the Americas and Europe, Inside Festival takes you to Vilnius, Buenos Aires and Long Beach in this Home Delivery segment.
Science Talk: Gehirn für Alle – Embodiment
Learning is not a phenomenon of the mind, as scholars and scientists have propagated for many centuries. Learning is based on sensomotoric processes, according to the thesis of embodiment.