Inside Festival 03: 41 Days, 1.003 Hours, 60.120 Minutes

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Wed Jul 28, 2021, 4:00 pm - 5:00 pm
All times are given in Central European Summer Time (CEST / UTC +2).

The preparations for this years’ Ars Electronica Festival “A New Digital Deal” are already in full swing. Last year we successfully introduced our hybrid online garden concept with many partners all over the world. They are not only producing a variety of top-notch content for our online festival, but will also be hosting many local events. With “Inside Festival” we want to share our excitement about the upcoming festival with you! Live from our streaming studio in Linz we will give you a sneak-peek of our partner gardens’ program as well as our local events in Linz – once weekly in July and even twice weekly in August. The series will cover different topics and themes, e.g. Coded Biases or the “Perspective of the Youth” by create your world, our well-known festival format for young people. If you want to get even more background info’s and snippets of the festival go check out our blog at See you at the festival! 

Veronika Liebl (Managing Director, Ars Electronica) and Kristina Maurer (Head of European Projects, Ars Electronica) dedicate the third episode of “Inside Festival” to the topic of “Water Ecology”. They present two projects from our Festival Gardens and an artistic project and give us a sneak peek into Ars Electronica’s Young Animations Program.

Kasia Molga’s (PL/UK) artistic project “How to make an Ocean?”, questions whether human tears can sustain life in the sea. The project is inspired by her approach to personal grief and leads to the crazy construction of a makeshift wet lab, learning to cry on command, to efforts to keep tiny sea creatures alive in their tears.

The “Maritime- trace- exposure-” is a project, which will be on display at Garden Auckland during the festival. It is a collaborative project between the research group “An Architecture of the Sea”, whose work explores the visualisation of the marine environment in different spatial settings. Using photography, poetry and virtual space, in conjunction with systematic maritime surveying and sampling, they explore the difference between ‘everyday’ maritime space and the versions we create through simulation, imagination and technologies.

“Anatomy of a Fatberg” is a project by Sanja Anđelković (RS), Jovana Pešić (RS), Andrea Palašti (RS) in the form of a visual map of our material culture and the complexity of the Novi Sad Sewerage. Taking the Fatberg as a case study and metaphor for a “new hybrid intelligence”, the research explores the complex relationships with our waste and its consequences from a medical, chemical, ecological, economic, political, cultural, philosophical and critical perspective.

For the Young Animations Program every year young, gifted filmmakers submit their weird, subtle, witty, utopian, critical and dystopian works for the Prix Ars Electronica’s category of “u19—create your world”. In our session we will show you the piece “Floating World” from Ella Guggenbichler, she is 17 years old and who gave free rein to her imagination for the project, detached from any boundaries of the real world. How do I imagine my fantasy world? What should it be able to do and what can you do there? What would I like to do?