Exhibitions / Projects
re.riddle presents Falling Up
re.riddle, California, San Francisco (US)
re.riddle presents unique programming showcased in site-specific exhibitions and pop-up events worldwide. The itinerant gallery curates socially engaging and multidisciplinary exhibitions of contemporary art. Its mission is to contribute to the discourse on contemporary art in thought provoking and playfully subversive ways. Via new modes of production, reception and consumption, re.riddle places an emphasis on the whimsical, in hopes that art continues to arouse curiosity and promote an awareness of its profound impact on our daily surroundings and lives.
BSc Unit 9 HUB
The Bartlett School of Architecture, University College London (UK)
Unit 9 is a design studio within the undergraduate architecture programme at the Bartlett UCL. Led by Jessica In and Chee-Kit Lai, the Unit has developed a continued interest in the performative aspects of new technologies and their expressive potentials for the design and representation of architecture.
Luminous Crusting, Bio-ID
The Bartlett School of Architecture, University College London (UK)
Luminous Crusting is a project that questions perceptual and environmental ‘flatness’ of synthetic materials in comparison to extremely thin, but highly expressive and performative biogenic ‘micro-crusts’. These living, grown micro-crusts are highly ordered three-dimensional structures on a microscopic level. As such, they act not only as visual enhancers through deep iridescent appearance that changes with light and viewers movement, but as a living mediator between building tissue and the environment.
Automated Architecture Labs HUB
The Bartlett School of Architecture, University College London (UK)
AUAR Labs is the research laboratory co-directed by Mollie Claypool, Manuel Jimenez Garcia and Gilles Retsin at The Bartlett School of Architecture, previously known as Design Computation Lab. As part of AUAR Labs co-directors run the studio Research Cluster 4 (RC4) in MArch Architectural Design at The Bartlett focused on automated housing. The work of RC4 believes in the agency of architecture for change. Automation is not only about robots – it is first and foremost a design project.
Design for Performance and Interaction / Interactive Architecture Lab HUB
The Bartlett School of Architecture, University College London (UK)
IAL Hub Space showcases student projects. The space takes a critical stance on developments across art, science, and technology to spearhead thinking in the 21st century. The projects presented are films and virtual prototypes. We have come to realize that now, more than ever, boundaries which define the arts and sciences no longer hold. To address the changing political, ecological, and technological landscapes, we engage in dialogues that are unfamiliar or uncomfortable.
The History of Dark Matter Retold
Adeyemi Michael
Dark Matter by Adeyemi Michael It was during the DARK MATTER exhibition in Science Gallery London that History of Dark Matter Retold was conceptualised. Scientist and actress Laura-Joy Pieters collaborated with director Adeyemi Michael to produce a film that portrayed Laura’s birth and heritage. When speaking about what she wished to communicate with the film, Laura expressed that “The achievements of black women are all around us and are present throughout history, yet they are rarely ever seen or acknowledged, much like the nature of the elusive dark matter”.
before detach()
Exhibition before detach() is an exhibition of art installations produced by H3 in Bucharest. It revolves around the concept of detachment. A final outburst of life in a space now meant to perish, aiming to re-appropriate in a final cut the metamorphosis of this living space as holder of past events. Works speak of detaching from the past, from known identities, from the body, from old habits and familiarity. before detach() prepares the unexpected.
Krzystof Wodiczko, Behnaz Farahi, Memo Akten, Lauren Lee McCarthy (US)
This exhibition examines how different strategies of the ‘gaze’ could be used to undermine various forms of power structure and promote different forms of resistance. It does so by displaying either exhibits illustrating the gaze and voices of marginalized groups, or projects exploring how literal masks might hide or reveal identities. The idea is to use art and technology in combination with critical thinking to convey a powerful political message.
Live Program of Telluric Vibrations, UCLA Botanical Gardens – Los Angeles
Enjoy the extensive live Program of Telluric Vibrations, UCLA Botanical Gardens – Los Angeles
Art and Nanotechnology by Marcel Weber
gnration (PT) and INL – International Iberian Nanotechnology Institute (PT / EU)
For its Ars Electronica Garden, gnration will present a virtual tour of The Invention of Sense, by German artist Marcel Weber.
Art and Nanotechnology - Marcel Weber
gnration (PT) and INL – International Iberian Nanotechnology Institute (PT / EU)
For its Ars Electronica Garden, gnration will present a virtual tour of The Invention of Sense, by German artist Marcel Weber.
Christa Sommerer and Laurent Mignonneau hosted by ARS ELECTRONICA
Christa Sommerer (AT), Laurent Mignonneau (FR)
Präsentation des interaktiven Projekts Homo Insectus, in Zusammenarbeit mit Bildrecht
The Garden of Curiosity
Mariano Sardón (AR), Mariano Sigman (AR/ES), Marcos Trevisán (AR), Bruno Mesz (AR), Intercambios Transorgánicos (AR), Sebastian Tedesco (AR), Leandro Garber (AR), Tomás Ciccola (AR), Lucía Kuschnir (AR), Josefina Schmipp (AR), Viviana Ramos Di Tommaso (AR), Diego De Benedetto (AR), Maximiliano Perez (AR)
The Garden of Curiosity is a “visual and sound objects” web support scenario. By clicking on specific objects, visitors can access audiovisual content corresponding to different Art-Science research projects linked to Muntref Arte y Ciencia.
PLA(N)Tform – Growing, Sensing and Making Kin-Ship
Virtual BioSensing project group
Online exhibition of artistic biosensing experiments in virtual space and at BioDesign Lab HfG Karlsruhe
WATER (Hexa)
Claudia Müller & Matías Labbé (CL)
This axis exhibits a project developed by artists Claudia Müller and Matías Labbé, with glaciologist Francisco Aguirre and biologist Héctor Ortiz. Through images and sound, Hexa materializes a selection of data related to the retreat of the Schiaparelli Glacier, located in the Magallanes Region, such as fluctuations in energy, changes in water level, and speed of the ice flow.
EARTH (Nebula)
Mauricio Lacrampette (CL), Sebastián Arriagada (CL)
This axis is represented by KMNCHK ScanLab, a landscape laboratory directed by Mauricio Lacrampette dedicated to exploring the camanchaca: a characteristic coastal fog of the northern dry region of Chile. The project presents fog-scans where the motile traces of water droplets become manifest, visualizing air turbulence and unveiling the dynamic, chaotic and ever-changing inner geometry of the cloud.
SPACE (Cosmoecology)
Luis Guzmán (CL)
This axis presents an art and science project by Luis Guzmán which consists of taking Phaeodactylum tricornutum diatoms (microalgae) to the International Space Station and subjecting them to Martian microgravity and zero gravity. The project has been part of Sojourner 2020 (MIT), the first ultraterrestrial museum of post- human art. In PRISMA´s garden, the artist presents the outcomes of his research after the Sojourner experience.
Die Menschine
Kommhaus (AT)
Die Menschine ist ein Buch über die Verbindung und Verschmelzung von Mensch und Maschine. Renommierte Experten verschiedener Disziplinen beleuchten in Texten Themen wie Digitalisierung, Vernetzung, Robotik, Künstliche Intelligenz, industrielle Revolution und Industrie 4.0.
Rotten Body (2020)
Alexandra Mabes (CL), Nicolás Oyarce (CL), Ana Rosa Ibáñez (CL)
Dance installation inspired by the decomposing course of action which fungi encourages. The shape of the body is deformed through the materials to portray the transformation and reconfiguration of matter in the decay.
Mapu Kufüll
Sebastián Calfuqueo (CL)
Digital video installation that reflects on the cosmological perspective of the Mapuche people in relation to mushroom harvesting. The artist will showcase his recent investigation at Museo del Hongo through an animated ‘Tale’, portraying mushrooms as a symbol for resistance for their communities post the “Araucania Pacification” period.