VALIE EXPORT. Collection Care - Ausstellung

Anlässlich des 80. Geburtstages der Künstlerin würdigt die Landesgalerie Linz die österreichische Künstlerin VALIE EXPORT mit einer umfassenden Ausstellung aus der eigenen Sammlung.

sounding garments & sound-gardens: emotional interface zones as auditory spaces
Hana Zeqa, Laura Thaçi, Elisabeth Mirnig & Werner Jauk

the transparency of envelopes of the body as social interfaces amplifying the hedonic body

ONLINE GALLERY - 360° Garden View

This an online panorama gallery showcasing nearly 20 sights in our campus. NTHU has plenty of lakes and forests which constitute a big and beautiful garden. NTHU has a wide range of academic fields, converging creativities in science, technology, humanity and art.

Catalogue Presentation: FASER FADEN FIKTION | Märchen, Mythen und Materie
Tech.Tex, Robert Angerer, Michaela Haager, Sofie Lüftinger, Neriman Polat, Andreas Schmied, Alessandra Steiner

New objects, discourses and visions have emerged from the process of spinning fabrics into fibres and spinning them, in turn, into fictions, and these have all been documented as travel guides for future travelers. The Ars Electronica Center will also be showing works that have emerged from the project Märchen, Mythen und Materie (Fairy Tales, Myths and Matter), directed by Johanna Pichlbauer and Isabel Prade.

Team Members: Clara Roth, Robbie Ierubino, Peter Sauleda, Maria Kallionpää, Kathi Schulz

Harmony fosters an inclusive atmosphere among strangers, reframing the concepts around co-creation and collaboration. Co-composing can be intimidating at times, as there is pressure to perform.

Project Home
Team Members: Esma Bosnjakovic, Max Haarich, Barbora Horská, Nicole Schanzmeier

Project Home will diese fast schon utopische Erzählung neu definieren, indem es persönliche Geschichten von Menschen sammelt und teilt, die aus freien Stücken oder aus anderen Gründen mit dem traditionellen Konzept der Heimat kämpften. Dadurch hoffen wir, andere zu inspirieren, einige der einschränkenden Überzeugungen in Frage zu stellen und ihren eigenen einzigartigen Weg „nach Hause“ zu erkennen.

[Un]seen Sacred Spaces
Team Members: Asma Aiad, Parisa Ayati, Rebecca Merlic, Ines Mahmoud, Mateja Rot

Anhand von drei Sakralräumen in Österreich wollen wir ein Beispiel für verschiedene Gemeinschaften setzen und deren Anliegen sichtbar machen. Viele Gebäude, sehen von aussen lediglich wie ein normales Haus aus. Trotz ihrer Unsichtbarkeit sind sie Teil der Stadt. Ihre (Un-)Sichtbarkeit sagt viel über die soziale Integration in unserer Gesellschaft aus.

Neo Christopher Chung

The world is at a critical junction where polarizing forces are working hard to keep us divided and troubled. We are witnessing the rise of exclusionary laws and policies, fueled by the dark side of the Internet and algorithms. Across Europe and beyond, the challenges of civil unrest and human rights are negatively affecting marginalized populations and creating intractable divisions. How can we use public platforms and new media to create inclusive outlooks and to create new political spheres?

Electronic Theatre @ Online

Seit 1987 hat das Electronic Theatre eine große Zahl von Einreichungen aus aller Welt zusammengetragen, die einen aktuellen Überblick über die Animationskunst im Kontext von Technologie und Gesellschaft bieten. Es veranschaulicht eindrucksvoll die dynamische Entwicklung der künstlerischen Computeranimation in den letzten drei Jahrzehnten sowie das expansive Wachstum verschiedener Randgebiete.

Creative School
Ars Electronica (AT), Dedale (FR), Cap Sciences (FR), Michael Culture Association (BE), STePS (Italy), Radiona Makerspace (HR), Heretic (UK), Chester Beatty Library (IE), Finnish Museums Association (FI).

In 2020 a generation of Europeans born during the dawn of social networking graduated into an era of social distancing and isolation. For many of them, their last days of school took place not in the classroom but on their digital devices. While the circumstances that led to this definitely were not normal, the student experience of inhabiting and interacting in the digital space was.

Earth Water Sky Artist Residency - Livestream
Haseeb Ahmed (US)

2020 Earth Water Sky artist in residence Haseeb Ahmed (Sky) will present his film “The Wind Egg” and discuss his body of work, notably on particulates and the particular narratives carried by the wind, which is also the subject of his residency at Science Gallery Venice. The presentation will be followed by a question and answer session open to the public, moderated by residency producer/curator Ariane Koek.

Bio-ID Hyperobject
The Bartlett School of Architecture, University College London (UK)

The main concept of the film is the creation of a design platform in form of a Hyperobject – a collection of things that overlap and intersect. It creates a system to visualise the systemic complexity of Bio-ID design research in an aesthetic and visually appealing way. The film project speculates with the idea of how data can become a visual object, a visual representation shaped into a navigational object.

Step into Space Print at Home Exhibition

​​Become an exhibition designer and explore the fascination of space at the same time. Print the pdf Step into Space booklet on A4 and the pdf Step into Space Exhibition on A3. The booklet tells you how to do it.

COVID19 Insights: Mapping Diversity and Community
Dario Rodrighiero, Elian Carsenat, Gabriel Carsenat, Eveline Wandl-Vogt

COVID19 is a fire accelerator. We were using the time of the lockdown to deepen our transnational collaboration and think on how we can apply our knowledge and skills to current real world problems related to the pandemics. This visualization based on the recently developed biocultural diversity index and lexical distances. This work is unpublished up to now and unique.

Welcome to spaceEU Linz

​Ars Electronica has a long history of working with space related content and narratives. The EU project spaceEU allowed them to open new collaborations on a European level. Together with eleven organizations, Ars Electronica developed and produced a wide range of space engagement activities addressing youth, families and teachers.

metaLAB (at) HARVARD

Eight experiments in the computational curation of collections - Curatorial A(i)gents consists in eight machine-learning-based experiments in and around museum collections and data sets developed by members and affiliates of metaLAB (at) Harvard, an idea foundry, knowledge-design lab, and production studio experimenting in the networked arts and humanities.

STARTS Exhibition
Kepler's Garden am Campus der JKU

STARTS ist eine Plattform mit dem Ziel, Technologie und künstlerische Praxis enger zu verknüpfen.

Virtual Anatomy – Preview of the JKU MedSPACE
Interactive multisensory environment, 2020

Die Johannes Kepler Universität Linz (JKU) errichtet derzeit im neuen Gebäude der Medizinischen Fakultät der JKU einen modernen, zukunftsorientierten Mehrzweck-Lernraum. Der Raum, der 2021 eröffnet werden soll, wird nicht nur als virtueller Hörsaal für Anatomiekurse genutzt, sondern auch für Live-Übertragungen aus Operationssälen zur Verbesserung der studentischen und postgradualen Ausbildung. Der JKU medSPACE wird dem Deep Space 8K des Ars Electronica Center nachempfunden sein.

Sounding Linz

Die für Sounding Linz entwickelten und geknüpften Klangfahnen markieren städtische Orte mit einer großen Aufenthaltsqualität oder kennzeichnen Orte mit großer Symbolkraft für die urbane Qualität der Stadt.

Breaking up the gameplay – a talk about feminism and experiencing the abolished private
Rebecca Merlic (HR)

Artist Talk about the feminist aspects of The City as a House, an interactive visual novel, an experiment of a white European 30-year-old heterosexual human, living in Tokyo without inhabiting a private apartment over a period of time.