
Oribokit: Gardening for Robots
Matthew Gardiner (AU)
Robotic Origami Workshop with Matthew Gardiner. ’Oribokit: Gardening for Robots‘ introduces a new artscience kit by Ars Electronica Futurelab researcher Matthew Gardiner. The kit allows you to make your own robotic garden at home. The assembled kit grafts onto a tree branch and is designed to minimise material usage and maximise modular recyclability for robotic origami applications. Kits include 1,2 or 3 oribotic blossoms featuring easy-to-fold laser-cut paper, servo motors, drive wires, and Arduino compatible STM32 microcontroller plus open-source firmware.

VoV Workshop: Making Art from the Brain to the Blockchain
Participating “Brain Workers” are invited to create their VoV token by shaping values through neurodesign in the Brain Factory. VoVs are immaterial assets, as well as brain-designed 3D models. Brain Workers propose reifications of the abstract models as artworks. This is how they start to make sense out of a frozen value.

Can we do the same with less - AI in 64 Kb
Philippe Esling (FR)
This hands-on workshop for the AIxMusic Hackathon by Philippe Esling (FR) introduces techniques for lightweight AI, demonstration of embedded technologies and a 64 Kb competition for an AIxMusic hackathon project challenging the current limits of AI and inspired by the Demoscene and the 64Kb competitions.

Filmuniversity Babelsberg KONRAD WOLF (DE), Institute for Art and Innovation (DE)
Workshop - The zone that enables life and makes the planet unique is thinner than previously thought. How should we shape the future positively when conventional visions mainly depict hopeless and bleak dystopias? What we collectively want, what we can imagine, is strongly shaped by the media that surrounds us in our visual-addictive century. Can we imagine futures that serve the common good as well as the regeneration of the planet? How can we create synergies to work less, but be productive together?

Quadrature (DE)
Audiovisual installation, developed with local (citizen) science and astronomy community during an Art-and-Science Residency at the Medialab of Tabakalera, Spain.

Tabakalera San Sebastian and Ars Electronica Linz
Tabakalera (ES)
Tabakalera is celebrating together with Ars Electronica its 5 years celebration. This installation will be the centerpiece of the program to celebrate the fifth anniversary, during the weekend of Sept. 11 and 12.

Push My Buttons: Sequence All.
Hacking Numeric Keyboards Workshop on how to hack a keyboard and turn it into a step sequencer or any other conceivable controller for synthesizers. We may undertake this transformation in such a way that no screen is required, creating a direct link between keyboard and sound operation, strongly relying on the musician's hearing and memory. The focus will be placed on the conception of musical interfaces and their implementation in different hardware.

Das Projekt robodrum ist ein Roboter-Setup, das aus vier mit Trommeln ausgestatteten KUKA-Roboterarmen besteht. Es geht nicht darum, eine menschliche Leistung exakt nachzubilden oder besser oder schneller als ein Mensch zu sein. Stattdessen handelt es sich um ein algorithmisches System, das es den Besucher*innen ermöglicht, akustische Spuren zu hinterlassen.

COSA Connectors Live
Aren Davey, Everest Pipkin, shawné michaelain holloway
The three COSA Connectors will come together in a Livestream to talk about creative open-source software tools. They will discuss the series so far, talk about tools they would like to see created, and how they use the tools for their personal work. We will take questions from the viewers via the live-chat, including questions about using other tools and suggestions for future episodes.

COSA Connector Tour Part 3
shawné michaelain holloway (US)
Engage with the third of three playlists from our COSA Connectors, exploring open-source tools for artists. We have curated useful selections from across the internet of free software to help you express your creative side. The guided tours will focus on what the tool can do, what kinds of projects you might use it for, and quick tips and tricks for getting started.

COSA Connector Tour Part 2
Aren Davey (US)
Engage with the second of three playlists from our COSA Connectors, exploring open-source tools for artists. We have curated useful selections from across the internet of free software to help you express your creative side. The guided tours will focus on what the tool can do, what kinds of projects you might use it for, and quick tips and tricks for getting started.

Meter machen
Maria Anna Eckerstorfer, Sabine Touzimsky-Köstler, Wolfgang Schreibelmayr, Lisa Wieder/ Kunstuniversität Linz, Projekt Abteilung Bildnerische Erziehung (AT)
Das Abstandhalten ist eine sehr wichtige Regel. Aber wie wir Menschen so sind, ergeben sich daraus Situationen, die zum Schreien komisch, super lustig oder total verwirrend sind. Am diesjährigen Ars Electronica Festival wollen wir genau solche Szenen sammeln. Schicke uns dazu ein selbst-inszeniertes Foto oder einen ganz kurzen Text über dein Erlebnis per mail und folge uns auf Instagram unter kunstuni.linz.metermachen

future walk
Bettina Gangl (AT), Birgit Pölz (AT), Helmut Doblhofer (AT) –TeilnehmerInnen Virtual Office FAB Linz (AT)
Die jungen Leute im Virtual Office haben über Autonomie nachgedacht und darüber, wie automatisierte Prozesse und KI unser Leben in Zukunft beeinflussen werden. Mittels verschiedener Strategien visualisieren sie ihre Fantasien, Träume und Ängste. Sie lassen das Publikum bei einem Augmented-Reality-Spaziergang an ihren Gedanken und Zukunftsvisionen teilhaben.

CoderDojo Linz (AT)
Das CoderDojo ist ein Club für Kinder und Jugendliche, die das Programmieren lernen und dabei Spaß haben wollen. Bei regelmäßigen Treffen lernen sie, wie man Code schreibt, Websites entwickelt oder Spiele und Apps programmiert.

Tagtool Connect
Bei ihrem vierten Auftritt beim Festival Ars Electronica präsentieren OMAi die erste öffentliche Online-Multiplayer-Tagtool-Session, bei der sich ausgewählte internationale Künstler*innen über das Internet zusammenschließen, um spontane Projektionskunst zu schaffen.

STEAM Popup Lab
JKU Linz School of Education (AT)
STEAM Popup Lab bietet eine virtuelle Reise, die uns erlaubt, die Bedeutung der Muster um uns herum zu verstehen. Muster finden sich überall: in Fraktalen in der Natur, in den Blutgefäßen im menschlichen Körper genauso wie in den oszillierenden Signalen, die von den Sensoren eines Telefons erzeugt werden. Sie können Roboter steuern, Origami-Muster falten, das Signal einer Spielplatzschaukel messen, an einer Live-Chemielaborsitzung teilnehmen und vieles mehr.

The Aqua_forensic Workshops at the Adriatic Garden
With it, we wish to help illuminate the human impact on our waters at the micro / macro level and provide a guideline to the fascinating world of aquatic flora, fauna and minerals and its plight. The aqua_forensic project is known for its special devotion and affinity to participatory engagement through workshops. We all have the capacity to pause, listen, observe and recognize the diversity and quality of the present environment. The aqua_forensic aims to encourage global and local audiences to familiarize themselves with the topics of water pollution and climate change, as well as actively engage in community work on these issues through citizen science oriented workshops. Scientific environments provide the sophisticated tools needed to undertake analysis and build predictive ecological models.

COSA Connector Tour Part 1
Everest Pipkin (US)
Engage with the first of three playlists from our COSA Connectors, exploring open-source tools for artists. We have curated useful selections from across the internet of free software to help you express your creative side. The guided tours will focus on what the tool can do, what kinds of projects you might use it for, and quick tips and tricks for getting started.

An opportunity to reflect on COVID-19 and its effects on society, and speculate on what comes next. What roles do science, technology and art play here?

Tech-ila Master Craftsman
Oficina de Visitante y Convenciones (OFVC), Cámara Nacional de la Industria del Tequila (CNIT), Zonaga and Mad Machina
The master class is an approach to the materials, hands and stories behind each Tequila Máster "artisan", a product made by years of history and essence accompanied by new technological resources that will make understanding the future of How do we produce, transmit and collect culture? How do we create ancestral products for the future? How do we mold our worldview into an object?