Leonardo Publishing & Mentoring Workshop
Danielle Siembieda, Erica Hruby, Sheila Pinkel
Leonardo/the International Society for Arts, Sciences and Technology (Leonardo/ISAST) is a global enterprise think-tank creating inroads to imagine a better world, regenerate hope for humanity and achieve breakthrough solutions to our most complex problems.
Exponential Mindset: The Skills of an Exponentialist
Niki Ernst, Eveline Wandl-Vogt
A 4-Sessions dive deep into the Exponential Mindset. An interaction series to consider the SDGs from an exponential growth strategies perspective.
Future Humanity Journey
Ein Tag im Jahr 2040: Wie würde unser Tag in 20 Jahren aussehen? Future Humanity Journey ist ein experimenteller Workshop.
create your world space tour: Hacking Humans for Space and STEAM in Space
In partnership with spaceEU, the create your world festival comes directly into your classroom. Under the title “create your world: space TOUR” we can offer you two popular workshops for free. The contents are about future issues as well as competencies such as critical thinking and solution-oriented action. Space serves as a source of inspiration and communication.
Meet the S+T+ARTS Community: Building Open Source Platforms
Joseph Klatt (US), Sören Lex (AT)
Precious Plastic und Precious Plastic Universe, das 2013 vom Industriedesigner Dave Hakkens ins Leben gerufen wurde, ist eine dieser Plattformen: Sie konzentriert sich auf die Reduzierung von Kunststoffabfällen durch die gemeinsame Nutzung eines Open-Source-Toolkits und hat sich zu einer globalen Bewegung von 80.000 Menschen entwickelt, die durch dieselbe Leidenschaft und Vision miteinander verbunden sind.
Meet the S+T+ARTS Community: Art & Sience Collaborations
Ingeborg Reichle (AT), Michael Sauer (AT), Robertina Šebjanič (SI), Gjino Šutić (HR)
Wenn KünstlerInnen, WissenschaftlerInnen und wissenschaftliche Forschungseinrichtungen in gemeinsamen Projekten zusammenarbeiten, führt die Kollision von Methoden oft zu neuen und spannenden Perspektiven für die künstlerische und wissenschaftliche Praxis.
Rethinking alive as material
Rūta Spelskytė (LT)
The toolkit is designed to rethink alive as material. To think of the ways we can use nature, create tools out of it, imagine or train plant and animal features, construct their development in the future, and on the other hand – how to take a moment to stop and just appreciate it.
The Birth of Venus
Brigita Kasperaitė (DE/LT)
While in the past electroconvulsive therapy was used in very questionable ways, we can admit one thing, the reality is questionable in itself. And while the artist Brigita Kasperaitė explores the natural and synthetic ways of electrical discharges and how they might affect the surroundings, she is also interested in knowing and experiencing that electricity is everywhere - as well as our bodies.
Workshop: Solidarity Through Sound and Time
Ivana Dama and Clinton Van Arnam
In this workshop, participants would have the unique chance to reconsider their ideas of what constitutes sound and music compositions. Throughout the day we are exposed to countless amounts of sounds and noises, but it is only valuable if we can isolate these specific sounds and separate their relationship from emory to their pure tonal structure.
Workshop: Pinecone Hygrometer, Seed Dispersal, and Fire Ecology
Helen Huang
In this lecture we will explore how seeding of plants respond to environmental triggers like fire and humidity changes. We will also learn some basic concepts in scientific research and how we can sense our environment through the observation of the plants around us.
Workshop: Psychobiotonic: Microbiome Anthropothagy
Clarissa Ribeiro
Imagine a fictional scenario in which you can choose one personality to ‘embody’ a time having access to encapsulated microbiome samples (mixed cultures i.e. microbial associations or communities) of donors that have specific personality types. “Transplanting the Self: microbiome anthropophagy” (2018-present) is a reflection on the limits of microbiome manipulation inviting the online audience to become ‘personality donors’ in a collaborative performance.
Workshop: Sidewalk Herbarium
Alvaro Azcarraga with Terry Huang
We will be reconnecting with our local environments by collecting and identifying plant specimens from your neighborhood/sidewalk.
Performance and Workshop: Calming the Sea - Sketch 2b
Christoph Killian, UCLA ArtSci Center Artist in Residence
We will play with multichannel near-simultaneity, exploiting transmission latencies and temporal offsets, experiencing destructive and constructive interferences, – overlapping, amplification and extinction of waves in a global disconcert.
Claudia Jacques and Victoria Vesna
This workshop will introduce you to a variety of issues around water bodies around the world. Participants will develop and add their stories and / or artwork or scientific research related to a stream, lake, sea, ocean. Communities will form around specific water bodies that will become guardians and share up to date information about the status.
Workshop: Mycelial Landscapes: How Fungi Shape the World and Take the Shape of the Future
Kaitlin Bryson
This workshop explores the incredible world of fungi from their ecology to their biochemistry and explores how these amazing organisms shape and make the world around us. We will also learn about how we can work with fungi helping them take shapes and forms for building sustainable futures. We will do a simple exercise of making mycelium hands to stretch our notions of touch and physicality during the time of the pandemic.
Workshop: Data Garden
Eli Joteva and Zeynep Abes
In this workshop you will learn the art of photogrammetry, volumetric collage and shared virtual spaces.
Workshop: Follow the Fibers: Weaving as a Method of Inquiry
Monica LoCascio, Artist and Member of ArtSci Collective
Fascia and Mycelium through the lens of Anni Albers and weaving
Workshop: Music and Quantum Mechanics
Dr. James Gimzewski
We explore the relationship between music specifically harmonic sound resonances and quantum mechanics. The Schrodinger equations which are used to describe zero point energy and energy quantization are similar to the solutions for a guitar string in one dimension called the particle in a box. In two dimensions equivalent to drum modes. The electrons in an atom are equivalent to three dimensional solutions. I also introduce quantum tunneling as leaky strings and provide examples in nanotechnology.
Workshop: Diffraction and Wave-Particle Duality and Imaging Techniques
Sam Lilak
This workshop invites you to understand the duality of nature and utilize its interactions to achieve atomic resolution. You will be introduced to scale, waves and wave-particle duality, optical microscopes and UV-Vis spectroscopy, electron microscopy and diffraction, atomic imaging and scanning probe microscopy.
Workshop: Houdini Software Intro
Debra Isaac
In this workshop, we will create a rocky 3D object, fracture and shatter it, and then emit particles with forces. Learn the power and flexibility of Houdini’s Procedural and non destructive node based 3d software that excels in using both raw data and generative art.