Ars Electronica Garden

ONLINE GALLERY - 360° Garden View
This an online panorama gallery showcasing nearly 20 sights in our campus. NTHU has plenty of lakes and forests which constitute a big and beautiful garden. NTHU has a wide range of academic fields, converging creativities in science, technology, humanity and art.

Creating a New Normal: Arts, Design, Humanities and Social Sciences 4 Emergency?
Eveline Wandl-Vogt, Nirmala Menon, Dario Rodrighiero, Elian Carsenat
Panel discussion: As this virus, and maybe further to come, affects the world and our way of living, we are aiming to explore pioneering research and action based art and design. During the time of social distancing and quarantining, it has become evident that even with the principles of science and technology that provide us with access to practical methods for securing our lives, humanities-based principles and skillsets have played a key role in enabling us to evolve. In light of this, we might want to rethink our approach to future living.

Join our VR guided tours to Leonardo da Vinci's studio
Explore Leonardo da Vinci’s studio, see artefacts from his time that capture some of the doubts we assume he had about his life and work, and learn about the concept of "doubt" during the renaissance.

Our Spaceship Garden
This year, we join Ars Electronica In Kepler's garden online program, a collective effort among the global to reconnect. We created a digital spaceship to share the diverse portfolio from the initiative. Audiences are invited to immerse themselves in this digital world, walk around and encounter each other.

[Alien] Star Dust: Signal to Noise – guided networked meditation
Victoria Vesna with Paul Geluso, Rhiannon Catalyst, John Brumley, Ivana Dama, Clinton Van Arman
In this workshop, we will create a rocky 3D object, fracture and shatter it, and then emit particles with forces. Learn the power and flexibility of Houdini’s Procedural and non destructive node based 3d software that excels in using both raw data and generative art.

Keynote Lecture: Tree Conservation, Genomics, and Change
Victoria Sork: UCLA Dean of Life Sciences, Director of Mildred E. Mathias Botanical Gardens
In this workshop, we will create a rocky 3D object, fracture and shatter it, and then emit particles with forces. Learn the power and flexibility of Houdini’s Procedural and non destructive node based 3d software that excels in using both raw data and generative art.

Darío Sacco (AR)
This sound bio-installation is formed by a colony of beings made up of disused technological parts and bio-units of decomposing organic material.

The Biosphere Project
Joaquín Fargas (AR)
The Biosphere Project consists of natural ecosystems isolated in sealed containers that only allow the external influence of heat and light.

Uncertainty with AI-terity (Music Performance)
Koray Tahiroğlu (FI/TR)
The composition Uncertainty keeps the musician in a hesitant state of performance, providing a non-rigid but identifiable musical events, followed by ever shifting new sounds. Uncertainty is a composition written for the AI- terity instrument that comprises computational features of a particular artificial intelligence (AI) model to generate relevant audio samples for real- time audio synthesis. The unusual behaviour of the Al-terity puts the performer in an uncertain state during performance. Together with being able to move through timbre-changes in sonic space, the emergence of new sounds allows the musician to explore a whole new range of musical possibilities. Composition turns into a continuous state of playing, reformulating an idiomatic relationship with the Al-terity and opening up a fresh variety of musical demands.

Art in Flux Live: Autonomy @ Flux' channel
The Art in Flux founders introduce the ethos of the organisation and their own practices through live video tours.

STEAM Innovation and Curriculum
Laura Veart (UK), Tom Cahill-Jones (UK)
Die Konferenz präsentiert inspirierende Beispiele für integrative und interdisziplinäre Bildung und erforscht, wie diese weiter angepasst und in anderen Bildungs- und Kulturkontexten umgesetzt werden könnten.

Acquired Immunity. Beyond Cultivamos Cultura
Virtual tours of the natural and social landscape around Cultivamos Cultura.

Creative School
Ars Electronica (AT), Dedale (FR), Cap Sciences (FR), Michael Culture Association (BE), STePS (Italy), Radiona Makerspace (HR), Heretic (UK), Chester Beatty Library (IE), Finnish Museums Association (FI).
In 2020 a generation of Europeans born during the dawn of social networking graduated into an era of social distancing and isolation. For many of them, their last days of school took place not in the classroom but on their digital devices. While the circumstances that led to this definitely were not normal, the student experience of inhabiting and interacting in the digital space was.

Earth Water Sky Artist Residency - Livestream
Haseeb Ahmed (US)
2020 Earth Water Sky artist in residence Haseeb Ahmed (Sky) will present his film “The Wind Egg” and discuss his body of work, notably on particulates and the particular narratives carried by the wind, which is also the subject of his residency at Science Gallery Venice. The presentation will be followed by a question and answer session open to the public, moderated by residency producer/curator Ariane Koek.

Bio-ID Hyperobject
The Bartlett School of Architecture, University College London (UK)
The main concept of the film is the creation of a design platform in form of a Hyperobject – a collection of things that overlap and intersect. It creates a system to visualise the systemic complexity of Bio-ID design research in an aesthetic and visually appealing way. The film project speculates with the idea of how data can become a visual object, a visual representation shaped into a navigational object.

Exponential Mindset: The Skills of an Exponentialist
Niki Ernst, Eveline Wandl-Vogt
A 4-Sessions dive deep into the Exponential Mindset. An interaction series to consider the SDGs from an exponential growth strategies perspective.

Creative Question Challenge: Quietly Subversive
Ciprian Mureșan (RO), Sanneke Stigter (NL), Corina Bucea (RO)
"Lasst uns beenden, was wir begonnen haben." Auf diese Weise stellt die UNO ihr erstes Ziel für nachhaltige Entwicklung vor - das Ende der Armut in allen Formen und Dimensionen bis 2030. Die 17 Ziele der Nachhaltigen Entwicklung und ihre 169 Teilziele wurden als ein ausuferndes, missverständliches Durcheinander großer Absichten beschrieben. Allein der Titel der Entwicklungsagenda - "Unsere Welt umgestalten" - verströmt utopische Ambitionen. Er wurde 2015 von 193 Nationen angenommen. Fünf Jahre später und mit zehn verbleibenden Jahren: Wie wird sich unsere Welt verändern?

Creative Question Challenge: Embodied perception and life as movement
Alexandra Pirici (RO), Paco Calvo (ES), Corina Bucea (RO)
"Lasst uns beenden, was wir begonnen haben." Auf diese Weise stellt die UNO ihr erstes Ziel für nachhaltige Entwicklung vor - das Ende der Armut in allen Formen und Dimensionen bis 2030. Die 17 Ziele der Nachhaltigen Entwicklung und ihre 169 Teilziele wurden als ein ausuferndes, missverständliches Durcheinander großer Absichten beschrieben. Allein der Titel der Entwicklungsagenda - "Unsere Welt umgestalten" - verströmt utopische Ambitionen. Er wurde 2015 von 193 Nationen angenommen. Fünf Jahre später und mit zehn verbleibenden Jahren: Wie wird sich unsere Welt verändern?

Community Creates Mobility: Participatory Speculative Critical Design beyond dream-making for the City.
Eveline Wandl-Vogt, Niki Ernst, Claudia Falkinger, Peter Zehetbauer, Wolfgang Preisinger, Elisabeth Füssl, Penesta Dika, Aleyda Rocha Sepulveda; lightning talk: Jeffrey Schnapp
Co-Envisioning Mobility Infrastructures - The challenges facing cities around the globe are complex and multidisciplinary by nature. Attempting to solve them in conventional linear ways is insufficient for addressing these manifold human-environment relationships that are at the heart of these challenges. Alternative approaches are necessary.

Affordances of spaces
Elena Cologni
Accelerating Knowledge for the SDGs: Life streamed session - The work developed from a two-year long investigation into ‘architectures of difference’, is based on a postcard in sculptor Barbara Hepworth’s collection (circa 1952), in a note she refers to this in terms of the space between people: it’s relational and social aspects. The piece also evolved from considering the punctuations found in our cities’ grounds, and how these contribute to developing a sense of attachment and belonging, which is at the basis of wellbeing (eg. Lived Dialectics, 2016, MuseumsQuartier, Vienna; Seeds of Attachment, 2016/18, New Hall Art Collection, Cambridge).