Ars Electronica Garden Lisbon

FEMeeting 2020 Garden

FEMeeting (PT), Cultivamos Cultura (PT), Ionian University (GR), The Sanctuary for Independent Media (US), Leonardo/OLATS (FR)

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FEMeeting 2020 Garden presents the harvest of the works conducted by the international community FEMeeting: Women in Art, Science and Technology since its inception. FEMeeting aims to disseminate projects carried out by individuals who identify as women to contribute to (a) the development of research methodologies in art and science and (b) the development of collaboration strategies that can increase knowledge-sharing and bring communities together.

FEMeeting 2020 – Women in Art, Science and Technology

An additional conference space for the international community, FEMeeting: Women in Art, Science and Technology has been created in MozillaHubs: FEMeeting 2020 Garden. Inspired by the 2018 and 2019 conferences in Portugal and the structure of FEMeeting WEB 2020, the digital architecture of this new venue reflects the wide range of interests and experiences of FEMeeting members.

Launched in 2017, FEMeeting: Women in Art, Science and Technology was driven by the desire to develop and promote more direct collaboration between individuals who identify as women, independently of their sex. It was orchestrated by Portuguese artist Marta de Menezes and scholar Dalila Honorato, upon realizing that women in the fields of Art and Science have an unquestionable presence worldwide.

Among the project’s distinguishable objectives are: (a) a strong personal support through instant internet communication between women doing research (in the broadest sense of the term) in art, science and technology (b) and the encouragement towards the formation of local nodes to support research and artistic creation in a way that enables a wide network of direct communication and trust-building among them.

Credit: Pavel Tavares

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Project Credits / Acknowledgements

Marta de Menezes, Cultivamos Cultura (PT)
Dalila Honorato, Ionian University (GR)
Kathy High, NATURE Lab, a project of The Sanctuary of Independent Media, and Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute, Troy NY (US)
Branda Miller, The Sanctuary for Independent Media and Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute, Troy NY (US)
Annick Bureaud, Leonardo/OLATS (FR)
Pavel Tavares, Cultivamos Cultura (PT)
Claudia Figueiredo, Cultivamos Cultura (PT)
Ricardo Guerreiro Campos, Cultivamos Cultura (PT)
Diana Aires, Cultivamos Cultura (PT)


Press kit PDF (EN)
