The Traveling Plant Garden

The Traveling Plant – Preparatory Log Book

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A collective compilation of recommendatons and advice from people who, in the spirit of hosting, are asked to tell the plant what she may expect to discover and experience in her voyage, and what and whom she may encounter. Invited contributors and open contributions worldwide. A selection of the contributions will be published in an online PDF publication.

Each contribution is composed of a short text in English (maximum 200 words), with the possibility of translation into the native language of the sender and the option to add one still image.

The contribution may be an introduction to local plants (terrestrial or aquatic), to friendly or frightening creatures, local food markets; urban, rural, or desert environments; stories, myths, books, museums, greenhouses, cracks in the pavement, science labs, insides, outsides, software, robots, dead things, living things, non-living things, semi-living things, and more. It may be personal or general, practical or theoretical. It may be local (where the person is living), or regional or wider to the country, etc. It may address any issue or topics.

During the festival, contributions will be available on Leonardo / Olats website (, with an edited selection issued in a PDF publication afterwards. Invited contributors and open contributions worldwide.

Download the contribution form here: PDF | DOC