Das Prix Forum eröffnet den Expanded Animation-Diskurs mit der Preisträgerin der Goldenen Nica, Miwa Matreyek, die mit einem Lehrbuchbeispiel für erweiterte Animation den ersten Preis in der Kategorie Computeranimation gewann. Ausgehend von den ersten interaktiven Animationen von CartoonistInnen wie Winsor McCay, den Cutout-Animationen von Lotte Reiniger und verschiedenen Formen des Schwarzlichttheaters interagiert Matreyek mit einer computergenerierten Welt: Mit ihrem Körper, der als Silhouette hinter einem Bildschirm dargestellt wird, navigiert sie durch Müllberge, zerstörte Unterwasserwelten und versinkende Städte. Einen kritischen Blick auf aktuelle Themen werfen auch die Arbeiten von Randa Maroufi und Maja Gehrig, den diesjährigen Preisträgerinnen des „Award of Distinction“.
Maja Gehrig (CH), born in 1978 in Zurich. Following a preparatory course at Zürcher Hochschule der Künste (1999–2000), she spent two years at Fachhochschule Aarau, Media Arts department (2000–2002) before taking up an internship at Eesti Joonisfilm, Tallinn (2002–2003). From 2003–05 she attended HSLU (Hochschule Luzern, Design & Kunst) animation department. She worked as curator […]
Randa Maroufi (MA/FR). Born in 1987 in Casablanca. She currently lives and works in Paris. The experimental works of filmmaker and artist Randa Maroufi explore an elastic awareness of reality. Her films and moving images often employ special effects and other formal devices that alter perceptions of time, space, and movement. She has received many […]
Miwa Matreyek (US) is an animator, designer, and performer based in Los Angeles. Coming from a background in animation, Matreyek creates live, staged performances where she interacts with her kaleidoscopic moving images as a shadow silhouette, in a dreamlike visual space that makes invisible worlds visible. Her work often weaves surreal and poetic narratives of […]
Peter Burr (US) is an artist from Brooklyn, NY. A master of computer animation with a gift for creating images and environments that hover on the boundary between abstraction and figuration, Burr has, in recent years, devoted himself to exploring the concept of an endlessly mutating labyrinth. His practice often engages with tools of the […]