STARTS Prize Ceremony 2020

Mittwoch, 9. September 2020, 18:15 - 18:30
Alle Termine werden in der Mitteleuropäischen Sommerzeit (MESZ / UTC+2) angegeben.
Online, Ars Electronica Selection Channel

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Once a year, Ars Electronica, Bozar and Waag award the STARTS Prize to outstanding artists and scientists on behalf of the European Commission. The STARTS initiative wants to foster alliances of technology and artistic practice that effectively implement European policymaking to nurture innovation and that benefit the art world as well. The focus is on people and projects that contribute to mastering the social, ecological and economic challenges this continent faces. One element of this STARTS Initiative is a prestigious award generously endowed with €40,000 in prize money. More about the STARTS Prize 2020.


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