create your world

Baukasten der Zukunft

Louise Amcha (AT), Hannah Ertl (AT), Leonid Stanislav Lang (AT) und Marlene Urban (AT)

In Kepler’s Gardens at the JKU Campus – create your world
during opening hours

The Baukasten der Zukunft (engl.: construction kit of the future) is an interactive thought experiment by a young group of artists. The project consists of a large, inviting wooden model of a landscape in which visitors can plan their own city. In addition, at the push of a button, a computer program builds a version of a city under the same conditions. Afterwards, the advantages and disadvantages of each version have to be evaluated and the best solution for our future has to be found. If you wish, we can also calculate the CO2 balance of the city built by visitors with the help of a calculation we have prepared. So far, the project has been exhibited for three days in August at Museumsquartier in Vienna in Q21/Room D and presented in September at the PH symposium “Die Geister, die ich rief!”

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The team consists of the 4 young artists Hannah Ertl, Leonid Stanislav Lang, Louise Amcha and Marlene Urban. All four artists are still in school at the moment, which they will probably finish next spring with the Matura. So far they have exhibited for three days in August 2020 at the Museumsquartier in Vienna in Q21/Room D and presented in September 2020 at the PH Symposium “The Spirits I Called!”, where they also held a workshop.

The concept was originally developed in the classroom at the Graphische, but was then further developed during the school holidays and implemented on behalf of the Upper Austrian University of Education and the Upper Austrian Chamber of Labour. The wooden model was built by the team in cooperation with the HTL Spengergasse and the program was implemented with the support of Manuel Steinböck. Upon request, room D in MQ/Q21 was made available to the team free of charge.