Real Feelings – A Virtual Exhibition Tour with curator Sabine Himmelsbach
Sabine Himmelsbach (DE)

Co-curator Sabine Himmelsbach will digitally guide you through the international group show Real Feelings at HeK Basel, to present work by 20 artists in mediums ranging from artificial intelligence, interactive installations, robotics and biometrics, to gaming, video installations, virtual reality and photography. The shown works examine how technology can capture, evaluate or generate our emotions in a variety of ways. Find out more about the artistic and curatorial choices that determined the installation and set design of the exhibition.

Can we do the same with less - AI in 64 Kb
Philippe Esling (FR)

This hands-on workshop for the AIxMusic Hackathon by Philippe Esling (FR) introduces techniques for lightweight AI, demonstration of embedded technologies and a 64 Kb competition for an AIxMusic hackathon project challenging the current limits of AI and inspired by the Demoscene and the 64Kb competitions.

Talk: Frontiers of Music and Artificial Intelligence

Artificial intelligence plays an increasingly prominent role in music composition, performance, and production. How does this benefit or undermine musicians? Where are such developments taking us? Two young protagonists at the leading edge of AIxMusic will debate the limits and future directions of AIxMusic, tackling topics ranging from classic questions of AI takeover to therapeutic and gaming applications to discussions of lightweight deep AI, of uncertainty and unknown models and dimensions.

Talk: Musical Generativities (Facilitated by H.Vinet)

Techniques for the automatic generation of music – which have long been focused on systems ruling the score – are now being deployed at all levels of sound representation: signal, gesture, symbol, form. Sound synthesis using deep networks constitutes a radical break with conventional modelling approaches. How do composers handle these emerging possibilities?

Uncertainty with AI-terity
Koray Tahiroğlu (FI/TR)

The composition Uncertainty keeps the musician in a hesitant state of performance, providing a non-rigid but identifiable musical events, followed by ever shifting new sounds. Uncertainty is a composition written for the AI- terity instrument that comprises computational features of a particular artificial intelligence (AI) model to generate relevant audio samples for real- time audio synthesis. The unusual behaviour of the Al-terity puts the performer in an uncertain state during performance. Together with being able to move through timbre-changes in sonic space, the emergence of new sounds allows the musician to explore a whole new range of musical possibilities. Composition turns into a continuous state of playing, reformulating an idiomatic relationship with the Al-terity and opening up a fresh variety of musical demands.

MoneyLab#8 | Minting a Fair Society

MoneyLab explores the imaginaries of artists, researchers, activists and geeks in search of other possible economies, and urgently interrogates a different financial discourse. Can we use technology critically to support alternative values of cooperation and “commoning” in a world dominated by individualism and competition?

Big Concert Night 2020

The Big Concert Night in collaboration with Bruckner Orchestra Linz has been an integral and unique part of the Ars Electronica Festival for over a decade. Each year, it provides unique opportunities to explore and cross boundaries – an encounter between musical worlds.

From Art to Innovation: Do They Really Need Us?
Gašper Beg (SI), Luka Frelih (SI), Miha Horvat (SI), Janez Janša (SI), Jurij Krpan (SI), Marko Peljhan (SI/US), Irena Pivka (SI), Marko Pritržnik (SI), Peter Purg (SI)

Despite the widely embraced opinion that involving artists and creatives in innovation processes contributes to better results, very few research and development platforms are employing artists or art thinking in their innovation teams. Die talk's participants will discuss the challenges for artists, scientists, engineers and entrepreneurs stemming from essentially non-existing collaborative/open innovations.


The robodrum project is a robotic setup consisting of 4 KUKA robotic arms equipped with drums, which doesn’t aim to replicate a human performance exactly, nor to be better or faster than one. Instead, it becomes an algorithmic system that allows visitors to leave acoustic traces.

Ricercar: An AI-Based Music Companion
Ali Nikrang (AT)

Ricercar is an interactive AI-based music composition system being developed by Ali Nikrang at the Ars Electronica Futurelab.

How Machines See Music
Ali Nikrang (AT)

This installation visualizes some aspects of the inner life of a deep neural network for music composition called Ricercar that is being developed at Ars Electronica Futurelab.

Ali Nikrang (AT), Martin Honzik (AT), Alexander Wöran (AT)

Somnium is an installation playing with the ambience of the stunning location at the JKU TNF-tower and hymns, a musical form specifically written for the purpose of adoration or prayer.

Kerstin Ergenzinger (DE)

Pluvial is a sono-tactile architecture that follows the associative and physical quality of rain noise.

The Welcome Chorus
Yuri Suzuki (JP)

A work composed of 12 interactive horns, placed at Turner Contemporary, a contemporary art gallery in Kent, UK. It uses two methods – one is to feed lyrics and melodies by musicians into the AI and the other is to produce a short melody created by the AI recognizing vocal tone, tempo and specific words spoken into the sculptures by gallery visitors. Every few minutes, the work produces a unique chorus.

Maki Namekawa (JP/AT), Dennis Russell Davies (US), Cori OʼLan (AT)

Pianographique is an ongoing artistic collaboration of the two pianists Maki Namekawa and Dennis Russell Davies with the digital-media artist Cori O‘Lan.

Acts of Substitution without Bodily Contact: Making Music in the Age of Quarantine
The Telharmonic Orchestra (AT) feat. Richard Garet (US) & Daniel Neumann (US/DE)

The Telharmonic Orchestra was founded in 2020 by ten composers/musicians during the COVID lockdown in 2020 at Anton Bruckner University Linz.

Neltokoni in cuícatl
hexorcismos AKA Moisés Horta Valenzuela (MX)

Neltokoni in cuícatl (Talismans in Poetry) is a multichannel audio/visual poetry performance driven by a disembodied AI system consisting of three generative deep learning models trained on precolumbian sonic forms, poetry and imagery.

Running Off the Senses
Yishu Jiang (AT), Ali Nikrang (AT), Daniela Mülleder (AT)

This performance with Yishu Jiang (violoncello), Daniela Mülleder (violin) and Ali Nikrang (piano) focuses on AI-composed music, with human-composed music as counterpoint.

Gnawa Machine
Camel Zekri (FR), Marc Chemillier (FR)

The challenge of Gnawa Machine is to integrate the computer in a particular cultural context, that of the Gnawa Brotherhood in North Africa, of which Camel Zekri is a member.

Wobbly (US), Jennifer Walshe (IE)

Tune in for the 2020 MOREOVER infomercial reveal, unboxing and presentation. What is MOREOVER?