Exposed Building
Michael Roland (AT), Michael Mayr (AT), Robert Holzinger (AT), Markus Vogl (AT)
By opening a maintenance hatch and hacking into the network infrastructure behind it, we acquire access to the electronic locking system. By controlling the buzzers built into the office door locks, we transform the Science Park 2 building into an orchestra and it resounds like a huge walk-in instrument. The installation playfully provokes thought about the vulnerability of modern technology and its growing risks for society.
The Transparency of Randomness
Mathias Gartner (AT), Vera Tolazzi (AT)
"The Transparency of Randomness" is an interactive installation that provides insight into the world of randomness. Random numbers are continuously generated through a transparent dice system, to be used as the basis for real-time calculations and visualizations. Through its use of diverse materials, the process is influenced by the complexity of nature.
Digital Government in a Box
LIT Law Lab, Johannes Kepler University (AT)
From the “transparent citizen” and “social scoring” to AI-supported truth finding in the courtroom and machine-generated administrative notices: the digitization of administration and jurisdiction has many facets. It requires not only a consideration of what is technically possible, but also of what is legally permissible and what is desired in terms of legal policy. Against this background, the LIT Law Lab has two installations dedicated to the legal framework conditions (fundamental rights and data protection), problems and proposed solutions for a digitized enforcement.
Al truth machine
LIT Law Lab, Johannes Kepler Universität (AT)
From the “transparent citizen” and ”social scoring” to AI-supported truth finding in the courtroom and machine-generated administrative notices: the digitization of administration and jurisdiction has many facets. It requires not only a consideration of what is technically possible, but also what is legally permissible and what is desired in terms of legal policy. Against this background, the LIT Law Lab has two installations dedicated to the legal framework conditions (fundamental rights and data protection), problems and proposed solutions for a digitized enforcement.
Performance Workshop: Enacting Innovation
Judith Igelsböck (AT), Friedrich Kirschner (DE), Sarah Buser (CH), Mónica Rikić (ES), Leoni Voegelin (CH), Tomás Montes Massa (CL), Laura Zoelzer (DE)
Enacting Innovation is a participatory staging of the social fabric surrounding contemporary innovation practices. Participants will negotiate the roles and situations that are frequently encountered in innovation processes and act out conflicts with each other and the technical infrastructures typically employed within such contexts. The simulation is inspired by research on ‘innovation scripts’ – the recipes followed in dealing with the omnipresent pressure to prove innovative ability.
Dancing Water
Leon Kainz (AT)
This installation is based on a simple physical principle: the generation of electrostatic charges using water. The charged water droplets whirl in dynamic tracks around copper rods and react to nearby bodies. The collected charge can make a light bulb glow and generate flashes of lightning that can be centimetres long.
Fulldome / VR & AR Lab
Martin Kusch, Director ǀ Fulldome / VR & AR Lab, Ruth Schnell, Head Department of Digital Arts, University of Applied Arts Vienna (AT)
The Fulldome/VR & AR Lab at the Digital Arts Department of the University of Applied Arts Vienna is a platform for new creative processes with a focus on digital applications for fulldome, VR, and AR environments. Experimental research projects are carried out through interdisciplinary exchange among students, teachers, and researchers working to develop new artistic grammars while questioning the influence of immersive devices. The dome at Ars Electronica is part of the Lab’s infrastructure.