Ars Electronica Garden Warsaw

Folded Maps of Time

Adam Mickiewicz Institute (PL)

Folded Maps of Time (FoMaTi) is an immersive audio-visual performance that integrates biosensoric electromagnetic systems (MC) and object-oriented electrified percussion (CC).

The audience is surrounded by a multichannel sound and video system, as if inside a virtual brain, with multiple inlets, outlets, channels, and entanglements: our folded maps of time – a constant flow. Brain activity is projected as a virtual floating model, integrated with 3D laser extended mapping system, with biofeedback playing a significant role in all aspects of the performance.

Folded Maps of Time

Selected brain waves show the mediation of the subconscious and intuitive with the prepared, pre-composed and performed materials.

Against the intuitive stands the deliberative. As brainwave-driven sounds and images are interpreted in real-time by a second performer, the sum feeds back organically into the monitored mind of the first performer. Thus, brain biofeedback is multiplied and extended through a mélange of voluntary and involuntary feedbacks to produce cascading reactions in both performers.

This is a unique collaboration between Polish composer, artist Marek Chołoniewski and British percussionist and composer, Chris Cutler; that integrates Chołoniewski’s award-winning audio and audiovisual work in electroacoustic performance, and Cutler’s history of creating vanguard works across multiple genres using extended instruments and techniques.

The video projections are realized by Artur Lis, and the sound – by Piotr Madej.

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Project Credits / Acknowledgements

Commissioned by the Adam Mickiewicz Institute
The project is financed by the Ministry of Culture and National Heritage of the Republic of Poland as a part of multi-annual Programme Niepodłegła 2017-2022
Partners: Muzyka Centrum
Artists: Marek Chołoniewski (PL), Chris Cutler (PL)
Assistants: Piotr Madej (audio) (PL), Artur Lis (video) (PL)

Adam Mickiewicz Institute