
Local mutation imaginaries. Mapuche Culture Workshop.

As part of the celebration of the “Año Nuevo en el Sur” (Southern New Year), the Laboratory of Visual Anthropology of the Museological Direction, is conducting Workshops on Mapuche Culture taught by David Rain Canicura, peumatufe (the authority that guides the direction and decision-making of the community based on dreams) and nguillatufe (the authority responsible for the ceremony of Nguillatun). The proposal of the Mutations program is to generate a pre-recorded workshop that will allow the Mapuche imaginary about mutations to be better understood, as well as the experience of Mapuche communities in the current pandemic.


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Project Credits / Acknowledgements

Director. Adrián Silva Pino
Imagen and montage: Jorge Perez de Arce
Field ethnography: Mauricio Godoy
Sound: Sebastián Reyes
Mapudungun translator: Patricio Bello Huenchuman
English translator: Catalina Büchner
Pneumatufe and Nguillatufe: David Rain Canicura


David Rain Canicura is an autority of local Mapuche Community. He has two very important positions in Mapuche social structure: peumatufe (the authority that guides the direction and decision-making of the community based on dreams) and nguillatufe (the authority responsible for the ceremony of Nguillatun).

Anthropologist and documentary filmmaker, Adrián Silva is director of the Audiovisual Anthropology Lab and the Valdivia Anthropology Documentary Program MUDAV (UACh). His works include the documentaries “La Recompensa de Dios” (2001), “De Regreso a Rapa Nui” (2004) and the fiction “La Capital” (2010), among others.

Jorge Pérez de Arce is director of photography. He has worked with national filmmakers on prominent television fiction series. In Valdivia he has worked on the image and montage of feature films, short films and a documentary TV series.

Marcelo Godoy Gallardo. Anthropologist. Director of Museological Direction of Austral University of Chile. Field ethnographer in investigations in the southern zone of Chile.