Telluric Vibrations, UCLA Botanical Gardens – Los Angeles

Workshop: Field Recording: Listening to Electromagnetic Radiation

John Brumley, artist, member of ArtSci Collective

Wed Sep 9, 2020, 11:00 pm - 11:59 pm
All times are given in Central European Summer Time (CEST / UTC +2).

We will build a small loop antenna and listen to artificial and natural sources of electromagnetic radiation. John will briefly cover aspects of Natural and Artificial EM radiation, mention artists that have explored electromagnetism in their practice, and then build rudimentary loop antennas to record and explore our EM environments.

Specific conditions such as infrastructure and materials:
Computer (for processing and sharing recordings). Wire (a lot). Audio Recorder. Frame for the antenna. Cable (to connect the Antenna to the audio recorder). A space to explore (indoor or outdoor).
Required skills: Listening. Experience with electronics is helpful, but not necessary.
Specific conditions such as infrastructure and materials:
Computer (for processing and sharing recordings). Wire (a lot). Audio Recorder. Frame for the
antenna. Cable (to connect the Antenna to the audio recorder). A space to explore (indoor or
Pre-workshop requirements: Make sure that your audio recorder has a dedicated input. Dual headphone/microphone ports will not work!
Number of participants: 10-20
Registration deadline: 5.9.2020
Register here: