European Union Prize for Citizen Science announced

Submissions are now possible

(Linz, January 10, 2024) Future viability through equal and sustainable cooperation in science: The European Union Prize for Citizen Science honors initiatives that put research, innovation and creativity at the service of society. Submissions can be made from today until March 11, 2024.

Citizen Science means that committed laypeople actively participate in scientific projects by collecting, analyzing or interpreting data, shaping the research process and developing the research questions. By involving the general public in research, scientific results are developed jointly and to the benefit of all participants.

In 2023, the European Union initiated the Citizen Science Prize in the context of the IMPETUS project, which recognizes initiatives that promote the collaborative shaping of a positive future. The Linz-based Ars Electronica is responsible for organizing the Europe-wide competition.

One Grand prize, two Awards, 100,000 Euros

Prize money totaling 100,000 euros will be awarded. The winners can look forward to the “European Union Prize for Citizen Science – Grand Prize”, endowed with 60,000 euros, as well as two further awards and prize money of 20,000 euros each: The “Diversity & Collaboration Award” honors projects that promote diversified participation and social inclusion and advocate for cultural diversity, while the “Digital Communities Award” recognizes initiatives that use digital technologies to educate and strengthen communities while also driving digital transformation in the field of Citizen Science.

Presentation as part of the Ars Electronica Festival

After reviewing the submissions, the winners will be announced in June 2024. The official award ceremony will take place during the Ars Electronica Festival (September 4-8, 2024), where the most innovative Citizen Science projects of 2024 will be presented in exhibitions.

Ars Electronica awards the European Union Prize for Citizen Science on behalf of the European Commission in the context of the > IMPETUS project. IMPETUS is funded by the European Union’s Horizon Europe research and innovation programme under grant agreement number 101058677.

Winners of the “European Union Prize for Citizen Science” 2023 / Isala: Citizen-science map of the vaginal microbiome

Credit: University of Antwerp

Winners of the “Digital Communities Awards” 2023 / The Restart Project: The Right to Repair and Reuse your electronics

Credit: The Restart Project / Mark Phillips