The Song - Live performance
Charles Koroneho (NZ) Te Toki Haruru
“The Song” is a performance of poetic retrieval, a moment in time capturing the lives, voices and bodies of tribal artists living in 1950 -70’s New Zealand.
Garden Aotearoa Artist Talks and Demonstrations
Garden Aotearoa (NZ)
The Ars Electronica Garden Aotearoa assembles selected projects from New Zealand’s technologists, artists and University researchers. The artist talks will be a chance to get to know more about the projects on display.
Garden Aotearoa Exhibition
Garden Aotearoa (NZ)
The Garden Aotearoa Exhibition showcases over 20 projects from New Zealand’s artists, musicians, scientists and researchers in the form of prototypical installations, performances and talks.
Tumor Evolution in Extended Reality (XR)
Network! (NZ), arc/sec Lab (NZ), Centre for eResearch (NZ)
The exhibition is a digital, social and spatial environment that immerses users from a range of backgrounds (clinical, biological, and technical) deeply in the data.
Aotearoa Concert Night
An evening of experimental electronic live musical performance.
Garden AOTEAROA - Opening night
Uwe Rieger (DE/NZ), Marc Aurel Schnabel (DE/NZ), Tane Moleta (NZ), Yinan Liu (NZ)
Following a traditional pōwhiri (welcoming), the opening event brief overview of the development of digital expression, research and exploration in Aotearoa and will introduce the works of the 20 selected projects for Ars Electronica AOTEAROA.