Civil Society in the Digital World
Clara Francesca, Anne Wichmann
XRE's Journey of A Portal in A New Digital Deal
Yu-Xuan Lin (TW), Ching-Chi Chiang (TW), Yu-Chin Lin (TW), Yun-Zhen Zhong (TW), Ting-Yu Hsieh (TW), I-Hsuan Lin (TW), Yi-Wun Wang (TW), I-Chin Fang (TW), Zhin-Wei Li (TW), Yin-Chi Huang (TW), Yueh Huang (TW), Yi-Xin Huang (TW), Yu-Tzu Wang (TW), Ze-Wei Lin (TW), Ling Chien Jian (TW), Hsin-Tze Huang (TW), Da-Yo Luo (TW), Ho-Hsuan Hsiao (TW), Shao-En Hsu (TW), Yang Che Hong (TW), En Tse Chen (TW), Yi - Hsuan Wang (TW), Yu-Ting Tseng (TW), Yu Chen Chien (TW), Shih-Ting Lin (TW), Yong-Han Huang (TW), Huginn C. (HK), Pin-Miao Lin (CN) & Yi-Lian Wu (TW)
The experimental project consists of five new media artworks. Through interactive installation, augmented reality, immersive theater, urban action and more. We have constructed a hypothetical planning area to examine the meaning of physical and psychological distance as fast-food generation, in its present state: In the rapid flow of information, from basic physical necessities to spiritual dependences, there is nothing that the contemporary person cannot expeditiously obtain.
Alchemists of the Future: Online Video Journey
Ars Electronica Futurelab (AT)
Mit dieser Online Video Journey lädt Hideaki Ogawa, Director im Ars Electronica Futurelab, Sie dazu ein, Teil einer gemeinsamen Mission zu werden. Was Sie auf Ihrem Weg durch die Ideen und Visionen aus 25 Jahren Vergangenheit, Gegenwart und Zukunft der “Alchemists of the Future” erwarten können, erfahren Sie in dieser Video-Tour, die Sie durch die Exponate im Ars Electronica Center führt.
Alchemists of the Future: (Special) Guided Journey
Ars Electronica Futurelab (AT)
Entmystifizieren Sie die Zukunft für sich selbst und lassen Sie sich mit unseren Guided Journeys von Infotrainer*innen, mit Special Guided Journeys durch Künstler*innen und Forscher*innen aus dem Ars Electronica Futurelab oder auch online in die Zukunft führen.
Alchemists of the Future – The Journey
Ars Electronica Futurelab (AT)
Alchemists of the Future führt Sie auf eine Reise durch Visionen und Ideen aus dem Ars Electronica Futurelab. Werfen Sie einen Blick in die Blackbox der Technologien der Zukunft, um zu entlarven was dahintersteckt, und erwerben Sie fundiertes Wissen über neue Trends und deren Auswirkungen auf weite Bereiche unseres täglichen Lebens. Lassen Sie sich in Guided Journeys von unseren Infotrainer*innen, in Special Guided Journeys durch Künstler*innen und Forscher*innen aus dem Ars Electronica Futurelab oder auch online in die Zukunft führen.
Futurelab Day: Morning Inspirations
Ars Electronica Futurelab (AT)
Klimawandel, Migration und digitale Transformation: Wir alle stehen vor großen Herausforderungen – und einfache Lösungen für die großen Probleme der Welt gibt es nicht. Der technologische Fortschritt in unserer Gesellschaft muss daher ganz im Interesse des Planeten und der Menschlichkeit stehen.
Charles Merewether (GE), Adeline Kueh (SG), Tomohiro Okada (JP), Vuyisile Mshudulu (ZA), Nataša Teofilović (RS), Sanja Kojić Mladenov (RS), Venelin Shurelov (BG), Nadezhda Dzhakova (BG), Diana Marincu (RO), Slavica Popov (RS), Sava Stepanov (RS), Svetlana Mladenov (RS)
The epochal crisis and tension of the world is caused by the action of "raging capitalism" because large corporations and their owners have turned the whole world into their own resource - equally (ab)using people and nature - not once caring about the fate and future of the entire population. The conference is looking for an adequate reaction and response of art.
Critical Data
Martin Zeilinger (AT/UK)
Are we witnessing a coming of “creative AI,” and the emergence of a data science that will overcome the existential perils of the Anthropocene? Or is AI, as some are warning, about to emancipate capital from humanity (rather than the other way around)? Building on the concept of algorithmic adjudication and its manifestations in tools such as AI-based digital rights management systems, this talk explores tactical uses of AI through which artists critique and disrupt the outsourcing of codified decision-making to computational agency.
Pre-Present Sensitivities
Katarina Blažič (SI), Irena Gatej (SI), Sandra Jovanovska (MK), Ivana Kalc (HR), Aljaž Lavrič (SI), Boris T. Matić (HR), Anja Paternoster (SI), Ana Prebil (SI), Miha Reja (SI)
Through pre-existing impressions of sensitivity, the student film program questions the transience, limitation, silence, closeness, voice, touch, pleasure, fears, long before the arrival of the “new corona reality,” which threatens to engulf everything in us, and paralyze an even more uncertain future.
Fear Free
Jasna Hribernik (SI) Sarah de Günther (HU) Immanuel Hofman (GR), Ivana Kalc (HR), Vasily Kuzmich (UA), Luka Mavrič (SI), Nabil Nazeem (PS), Kristian Petrovčič (SI), Matej Rimaič (SI), Adriana Kostja Ronkali (SI), Una Savić (RS), Parisa Zaeri (IR), Staš Zupanc (SI)
TV Free Europe explores the possibilities of freedom (especially freedom of speech) and change, it aims to transgress social bubbles and connect voices, locations, times and stories, historical topics with today’s and tomorrow's facts and fictions.