Climate Change

Breathe to flow
Anna Nacher
The way we, as humans, participate in the vibrational fields and flows of energy of the Planet Earth is embodied practice, even if the process often remains somewhat mysterious, unnoticed or unacknowledged. This workshop will explore how a human vocalization, which is nothing else than amplified and conscious breathing, can become a practice of inquiry into the planetary water cycle.

Un suono in estinzione
Un suono in estinzione is an art & science project aimed at monitoring climate change implications on alpine glaciers through an artistic exploration.

Emanuele Balia (IT), Fabrizio Casti (IT), Sandro Mungianu (IT)
Researchers and artists will collaborate to return open data in the form of music, images and words, through the use of AI algorithms, to offer a highly perceptive, visual and sound return of the effect that pollution and development, understood as pressure anthropogenic, have on wind, rain and the environment.

Futurelab Day: Morning Inspirations
Ars Electronica Futurelab (AT)
Klimawandel, Migration und digitale Transformation: Wir alle stehen vor großen Herausforderungen – und einfache Lösungen für die großen Probleme der Welt gibt es nicht. Der technologische Fortschritt in unserer Gesellschaft muss daher ganz im Interesse des Planeten und der Menschlichkeit stehen.

Hybrid Futures
Christiana Kazakou (UK), Dr. Christoph Thun-Hohenstein (AT), Dr. Monica Gagliano (IT), Dr. Martin Pfosser (AT), Leisenhof Gärtnerei Linz (AT), Mag. Gabriele Winkler (AT), Dr. Christa Sommerer (AT), Fabricio Lamoncha (ES)
In September 2021, Linz is joining the Leonardo Art & Science Evening Rendezvous (LASER) network. This international program brings together artists, scientists, scholars and the general public for inspiring presentations and conversations. The LEONARDO LASER LINZ, hosted by the Interface Cultures department at the University of Art and Design Linz, will be held during the Ars Electronica 2021 Festival.

Sarah King (GB)
In this video we will be interviewing Sarah King about the importance of Biomaterials, materials development and sustainability in 2020. Find out how STEAMhouse are getting involved through the Bioboxes project! If you have any questions or would like to discuss this topic further, reach us on our platforms!

EMAP Garden: move to… ecosphere
Kat Austen (GB/DE), Marco Barotti (IT), Florent Di Bartolo (FR), Gil Delindro (PT), Anna Dumitriu (GB) & Alex May (GB), Daniel Hengst (DE), Darsha Hewitt (DE), Konrad Korabiewski (DK/IS), Carolin Liebl (DE) and Nikolas Schmid-Pfähler (DE), MAEID (AT), Joana Moll (ES), Robertina Šebjanič (SI) & Gjino Šutić (HR), Taavi Suisalu (EE), Stefan Laxness (GB/IS)
The contributions of the ecosphere shed light on the consequences of the digitalization of our ecosystem, knowledge generated by a shift in perspective away from humans and towards other life forms, and the opportunities for “peaceful co-existence” and cooperation between species.

Andrés Felipe Gaviria (CO), Gabrielle Couillard (CA), Kasey Pocius (CA), Mario H Valencia (CO), Oscar Ceballos (CO), Leah Barclay (AU), Ricardo Dal Farra (AR/CA), Rob La Frenais (UK/FR), Felipe Londoño (CO), Roger Malina (US), Pablo Suarez (AR/US)
“Balance-Unbalance: The Future started Now” is the second encounter in a series of roundtables gathering scientists, artists, architects and curators to help us think about what we should do today to change course and to have a possible future, considering the serious risks we face given the growing environmental crisis.

Research-creation 01: CONNECTING MILIEUX + Hexagram Showcase
Gisèle Trudel (CA), Maya Lamothe-Katrapani (CA), Alessia Zarzani (IT), Orit Halpern (CA), Jean-Denis Milette (CA), Gabriel Payant (CA), Marius Senneville (CA), Alessandra Ponte (CA), Kim Laneuville (CA), Adriana Menghi (CA), Delphine Ducharme (CA), Meryem Sekhri (CA), Alexandre Asselin (CA), Anna Paola Bossi (IT/CA), Baptiste Kauffmann (FR/CA), Millie-Ann Grenon (CA), Rachel Ducharme (CA), Charles Antoine Poulin (CA), Fannie Hébert (CA), Ikram Haffaf (CA), Liliane Hamelin (CA), Marie-Ève Fortier (CA), Jill Didur (CA), Tony Higuchi (ES), AELab (CA), Fossilation (CA), Andrée Martin (CA), Estelle Schorpp (FR/CA), Marc-André Cossette (CA), Sandra Volny (CA), Ahreum Lee (KR/CA), Émilie Morin (CA), Erin Gee (CA), Guillaume Pascal (CA), Juliette Lusven (FR/CA), Maxime Boutin (FR/CA), Olivia Mc Gilchrist (JM/FR), Rilla Khaled (CA), Enric Llagostera (BR), Jess Rowan Marcotte (CA), Steven Sych (CA), Jean Dubois (CA), Ghyslain Gagnon (CA), Ké Medley (CA), Louis-Philippe Rondeau (CA), Yan Breuleux (CA), Nicolas Bernier (CA), Nicolas Reeves (CA), David St-Onge (CA), Chris Salter (US/CA), Dietmar Lupfer (DE), Sofian Audry (CA), TeZ (IT)
Documentation of the first art installation of the Canada Research Chair MÉDIANE, presented outdoors in July 2021 at Jardin botanique Montréal. The installation experiments artistically with the ecophysiological data of three species of trees collected by the research programme SmartForests.

Post-Natural Prostheses
Filippo Nassetti (IT), Vincenzo Reale (IT)
In ihrer Zusammenarbeit verändern Filippo Nassetti & Vincenzo Reale die Vorstellung von Prothesen – von medizinischen Geräten hin zu maßgeschneiderten Modeprodukten – indem sie die Beziehung zwischen Technologie in Form von tragbaren Objekten und dem menschlichen Körper radikal überdenken. Im Kontext der aktuellen Pandemie rücken Atemschutzmasken in ihren Fokus.