Climate Change

The Blue Humanities Archive
Justyna Górowska (PL)
DNA is capable of storing digital data better than silicon in our computers. It fits millions of terabytes in a few grams suspension in the water, minimizing the ecological cost of the global network of digital databases. The binary code only needs to be decoded into the synthesized DNA strands.

Adopt the World
Verena Boheme (DE), Joaquín Fargas (AR)
This project consists of natural ecosystems isolated inside sealed containers that only allow the external influence of heat and light. The objective is to collaborate actively on raising awareness about the fragility of our planet and the importance and urgency of its care. With the concept that ¨the world is not for sale¨, the small biosphere adoption program was born; small worlds that represent our planet on an infinitesimal scale.

Branch Magazine Symposium
Die diesjährige Themenkonferenz geht der Frage nach, wie das Internet unserer kollektiven Freiheit und der ökologischen Nachhaltigkeit dienen sollte. Branch Magazine, Gewinner des erstmals vergebenen Ars Electronica Award for Digital Humanity, bietet vier Panels zu den Themen Klimagerechtigkeit, „Solarpunk“, nachhaltige Digitalisierung, Solidarität sowie kohlenstoffarmes Design und Bildung.