Education of Digital 21st Century

Ali Hossaini (GB), Olive Gingrich (GB), Mick Grierson (GB), Joshua Murr (GB), Shama Rahman (GB), Alan Renaud (HE)
An explosion of biohybrid technologies is bringing our bodies and brains online. What happens when we're all connected? Groupthink gives a glimpse into a future where art emerges from the heart. Audiences anywhere can join via webcam. Software detects their pulse and translates it into a visual score performed live by sitarist Shama Rahman and percussionist Mick Grierson.

Absent Sitter
Gazelle Twin (UK), Kit Monkman (UK), Ben Eyes (UK), University of York Music Department (UK)
Commissioned and developed by York Mediale, Absent Sitter is a digitally abstracted live alternative to touring, created by experimental musician, composer and performer, Gazelle Twin, immersive creative collective, KMA and sound artist Ben Eyes with the University of York Music Department. The artwork explores the power of ‘collective imagination’ within an audience and the importance of ‘presence/absence’ in a live event.

Faculty of Design, Vorarlberg University of Applied Sciences (AT), in cooperation with ORF Vorarlberg (AT)
Our perception of the present is determined by the media. But do we also learn what our future looks like from the media? And if the media are so decisive for us, what does medias’ future look like?

EVA London
Terry Trickett (GB), Dr Jon Weinel (GB), Dr Sean Clark (GB)
At the EVA (Electronic Visualisation and the Arts) conferences, ‘music’ as an international language, is taking an ever-increasing role in promoting the exchange of ideas across the worldwide community. EVA London acts as a focal point for this, promoting new adventures into the music visualisations of the future.

Sounding Mycelial Networks: MycoMythologies Storytelling Circle
Kaitlin Bryson, Saša Spačal
MycoMythologies: Storytelling Circle is an on/off_line performative workshop that evokes and employs the mycelial mind of the attendants through nodes of knowledge gathering practices and embodied mycology.

Phygital Next
Innovation & Collaboration between Koc University, UPC and UCA
Promoting innovation and creative thinking processes among the young generations is a key mission of ESPRONCEDA Institute of Art & Culture. This year, in the context of IMMENSIVA, we started to create a collaboration with students of very prestigious creative/ tech universities: CITM-UPC, in Barcelona and Karma Lab/Koc University in Istanbul, under the mentorship of UCA.

Breathe to flow
Anna Nacher
The way we, as humans, participate in the vibrational fields and flows of energy of the Planet Earth is embodied practice, even if the process often remains somewhat mysterious, unnoticed or unacknowledged. This workshop will explore how a human vocalization, which is nothing else than amplified and conscious breathing, can become a practice of inquiry into the planetary water cycle.

The curators of the Ars Eletronica Garden Berlin welcome the audience at Ostkreuz, the busiest interchange station in Berlin. The path leads eastwards beyond the so-called "S-Bahn-Ring", where for many locals and tourists the city of Berlin ends.

Deep changing - About transforming society through a social value change
Speakers: Luka Frelih (SI), Veronika Liebl (AT), Miha Turšič (SI/NL) Moderator: Jurij Krpan (SI)
In this panel discussion we intend to look at the experiences of establishing konS ≡ Platform, a national network of institutions as hubs of investigative learning, radical art-making and translating art ideations into possible innovations for a more ethical coexistence of technologies, man and nature, by comparing it with the experience of two other platforms - Ars Electronica in Linz and the Waag Society in Amsterdam, which intensively engage in the inclusion of all social groups into the processes of critical societal transformation.

Social Innovation with Art-Sci-Tech
Peter Purg (SI), New media Carrier module leader Rene Rusjan (SI), Contemporary art practices Carrier module leader Robertina Šebjanič (SI), Art & Science guest mentor
School of Arts is a part of a small but distinctly international University of Nova Gorica, which provides a fruitful environment for interdisciplinary research. In addition to participating in humanities projects, at this institution art finds ways to cooperate with natural sciences, environmental sciences, karstology, physics and astrophysics.