Gender & Diversity

Networked Bodies: Body, embodiment and New Media
Katerina Gnafaki
Body, embodiment and New Media gives insight into three Ars Electronica Festival projects that address the body in the digital sphere.

Liane Décary-Chen (CA) | Marina Díez Pereiro (ES/GB) | Moderator: Sara Lisa Vogl (DE/CA)
Initiated in 2020 by Sara Lisa Vogl, VR expert, artist and co-founder of Women in Immersive Tech Europe, and Goethe-Institut Montreal, these network meetings aim to highlight and virtually connect women and gender-marginalized people from Europe and North America working in the creative industries and around immersive technologies to create new international connections and foster potential cooperation.

Siri, such "Programmiererin": Was tun gegen den Digital Gender Divide in Österreich?
Ars Electronica x Initiative Digitalisierung Chancengerecht, Ingrid Brodnig (AT), Christiane Spiel (AT), Gerfried Stocker (AT), Carina Zehetmaier (AT), Mariana Karepova (AT), Martina Mara (AT), Doris Schmidauer (AT)
Im Rahmen der Ars Electronica 2021 lädt die von Doris Schmidauer ins Leben gerufene "Initiative Digitalisierung Chancengerecht" (IDC) hochrangige ExpertInnen aus den Bereichen Bildung, Technologie, Wirtschaft, Kultur und Medien zu einer Podiumsdiskussion ein, bei der wir uns mit folgenden Fragen auseinandersetzen werden: Was sind die Ursachen für die digitale Kluft zwischen den Geschlechtern? Welche konkreten Maßnahmen müssen in Österreich gesetzt werden, um digitale Chancengleichheit für Frauen zu schaffen?

Learning in STEM: Taking a Step Further
Museo Nazionale della Scienza e della Tecnologia Leonardo da Vinci
Wenn es darum geht, die Vielfalt der BesucherInnen – insbesondere junger Menschen und Schulen – anzusprechen, besteht eines der Hauptanliegen von Wissenschafts- und Technologiemuseen darin, zu verstehen, wie man am besten ansprechende Erfahrungen mit MINT-Fächern fördern kann, die bestmöglich auf die Lernenden ausgerichtet sind. Wie können wir einen Ansatz entwickeln, der das „wissenschaftliche Kapital“ der Lernenden mindestens genauso viel wertschätzt, wie das Fachwissen?

Polysocial Podcast
Amy Johnson, Mahalia Henry-Richards, Christl Baur, Manuela Hillmann
Launching the first podcast in a series on Polysocial Realities, creative researchers Amy Johnson and Mahalia Henry-Richards chat with Christl Baur and Manuela Hillmann of Ars Electronica Festival. They discuss the role of cultural institutions as platforms for communication and provocation.

Architecting Global Communities
LASER Auckland (NZ), LASER New York City (US), LASER Nomad (DE), LASER Pasadena (US), LASER Rio de Janeiro (BR), LASER Santa Fe (MX), LASER St. Petersburg (RU)
Through interdisciplinary collaboration, transnational communication and planetary citizenship, how do we build stronger communities committed to social justice, elevating underrepresented voices, and bridging the digital divide?

Art in Flux: Reclaimed
Aminder Virdee (GB), Aphra Shemza (GB), Stuart Batchelor (GB), Camille Baker (GB), Danielle Brathwaite-shirley (GB), Enrique Agudo (GB), Kimatica (ES), Natasha Trotman (GB), Olive Gingrich (GB/AT), Shama Rahman (GB), Ro Greengrass (GB) & Maddy James (GB)
As London’s foremost forum for pioneering media arts, Art in Flux is excited to present our latest virtual exhibition Art in Flux: Reclaimed supported by Arts Council England. Celebrating some of the most radical and innovative media artists of our times, Art in Flux: Reclaimed showcases artists from the underrepresented spectra of society, an eclectic avant-garde of diversity featuring women-in-tech, LGBTQ+ and neurodiverse artists.

Performance 'The Purpose of the Talchum'
Insun Park(KR)
Insun Park’s 'The Purpose of the Talchum' (2021) approaches the Korean traditional mask dance from a modern perspective, focusing on the roles of women and disability in the mask dance. It also poses questions on how the mask dance can reach out to and interact with audiences.

Open Science Hub BLAST
Brendan Owens (IE) and Róisín McGannon (IE)
In this participative workshop Science Gallery facilitators will playfully introduce the topics of BIAS and AI. You’ll then embark on a journey of co-creation to gather specific problems with respect to these issues and rapidly ideate solutions with specific users in mind.

OnlyBans: A Playthrough and Discussion on the Policing of Bodies
Science Gallery at Michigan State University (US) featuring work by Lena Chen (US/CN), Maggie Oates (US), Goofy Toof (US)
Created by sex workers and allies, OnlyBans is an interactive game that critically examines the policing of marginalized bodies and sexual labor to empathetically teach people about digital surveillance and discrimination faced by sex workers.