Panel 2: CIFO & Ars Electronica: Latin American media art. History and praxis.
Tania Aedo (MX), Rafael Lozano-Hemmer, Amor Muñoz (MX), Eduardo Kac (BR), Ivan Abreu (CU), Oscar Santillan (EC), Patricia Dominguez (CL), Marcela Armas (MX), Tania Candiani (MX)

The second panel will gather Latin American media artists - Iván Abreu, Marcela Armas, Tania Candiani, Patricia Domínguez, Eduardo Kac, Rafael Lozano-Hemmer, Amor Muñoz, Oscar Santillan,, that will present their oeuvre along with the work of various artists with similar creative journeys and common artistic scenes.

Panel 1: CIFO & Ars Electronica: Latin American media art. History and praxis.
Rafael Lozano Hemmer (MX), Martin Honzik (AT), Rodrigo Alonso (AR), Tania Aedo (MX), Jose-Carlos Mariategui (PE), Maria Fernandez (NI)

The virtual event will concentrate both on exploring the rich set of historical precedents in pioneering experimental practices in Latin America, and on recent productions in the fields of media art such as AI and ML, robotics and drones, VR and AR, AV sculpture, and landscape, blockchain and metaverse, biotech and biomimesis, NetArt, hacking and viruses.

Trip trough "We Tripantú" (Mapuche's New Year Celebration) - Chin Chin Tirapíe
Chinchintirapie (CL), La Fabulosa República de la Montaña (CL)

The “We Tripantu” it’s the traditional new year’s celebration for Mapuche People, normally celebrated on June 24th, when the shortest day of winter is upon us. The winter solstice, is the biggest celebration for Mapuche communities, welcoming the return of the new sun and the new life.

Iran Taaziye
Golnaz Asldini (IR)

This Taaziye (Taziyeh) movie is about ritual of the Nooshabad people in a small city near Kashan, Iran. Annually, many people get together to mourn the martyrdom of Emam Hossein. The main feature of this event is that all activities in cities would be cancelled during the mourning carnival. This event is accompanied with live traditional, folklore music with a jubilant rhythm, but tragic lyrics. it’s the director has published a book about this subject, and defended her dissertation in master of theater directing in Turkey.

Ideh Abootalebi (IR)

A performance showing different expressions of a person in the modern era of Iran, living in and out of herself, trying to get to something like a definition of existence.

Establishing foundations for becoming professional in theater based on Student theater
Reza Kianian (IR), Dr Ghotbedin Sadeghi (IR), Dr Esmaeil Shafiee (IR), Moein Mohebalian (IR)

There are some interviews about student theater subjects with famous artists in cinema, theater and performing arts of Iran, particularly about (acting journey, academic life, experimental life, Interview of Moein Mohebalian with Reza Kiyaniyan, actor, theater director and writer), (University theater committee/theatrical society, Interview with Professor Ghotbedin Sadeghi, director, author, researcher, translator, faculty member of university) interview with associate professor Esmaeel Shafiee, Director, researcher, author, and faculty member of Tehran art university about student university theater. All the artists come from Iran.

De-Growthing Sustainable Development
Michael Kneidl (AT/ DE), Magdalena Haidacher (AT), Margarita Köhl (AT)

The first workshop (facilitated by Michael Kneidl) of this series is dedicated to disruptive life prototyping. The participants will experiment with existing tools and new technologies, de-construct and redesign them to accomplish new tasks for them. In the second workshop of this series, “Mapping the (Im)possibility of Change”, Magdalena Haidacher and Margarita Köhl will explore the ways of thinking and practicing sustainable development beyond an all-pervading logic of growth together with the participants. Additionally, impactful projects created by InterMedia BA and MA students at Vorarlberg University of Applied Sciences will be featured in the frame of an online exhibition.

Vibrations Matter: Art & Science of Deep Listening
Victoria Vesna, James Gimzewski, Carlo Ventura, Charles Taylor, and members of the Art Sci Now collective members -- Ivana Dama, Clinton Van Arnam, John Brumley, and Paul Geluso

This event addresses vibrations from the point of view of visual and sound artists considering the scientific research into matter, brain waves, human and animal voice, environmental noise and outer space. Our starting point is quantum mechanics -- based on music theory and that nanotechnology is showing us the waves that underlie all matter which many Eastern philosophies have known for centuries.

Sounding Mycelial Networks: MycoMythologies Storytelling Circle
Kaitlin Bryson, Saša Spačal

MycoMythologies: Storytelling Circle is an on/off_line performative workshop that evokes and employs the mycelial mind of the attendants through nodes of knowledge gathering practices and embodied mycology.

The Sound of Clouds and other Sonic Memories
Joel Ong

Since 2015, Joel Ong has been collecting sonic memories through interviews and casual conversations. As part of his Residency with UCLA this summer, Ong turned his attention to sonic memories in the environment, and is collecting these in order to draw attention to fluctuations in the climate observed and remembered through the inter-subjectivities of a diverse group of interviewees.