Digital Humanism

Entangled Realities
Sebastian Pirch (AT), Norbert Unfug (AT), Christiane Hütter (AT), Jörg Menche (DE)
The human species is surrounded by networks. Interrelations shape our physical and digital environment, from airports and cityscapes to social or genetic interactions. An invisible body of connections is interwoven within our physical reality. The digital and physical shall form a symbiotic realm, visualized in a virtual world to be experienced by a human spectator. Through transitioning in between different environments, from urban networks to the human body, the Entangled Realities communicate the diversity of complex systems shaping our human habitat.

Ecology + Humanism
Manuela Hillmann, Pablo Bes Alonso
Manuela Hillmann (Producer of Online Gardens) and Pablo Bes Alonso (Project Manager) cordially invite to a journey to a life space created out of the combination of Creativity, Humanism and Ecology that Garden Seoul, London and Vilnius bring to the Ars Electronica Festival 2021. The three gardens lead us onto a path about how to deal with our lives during and after the pandemic and about how narratives on casual life processes, repetitive habits, and social practices are part of the human relationship with everything in the human’s environment.

Sustainable Futures & New Pathways to Innovation
Sustainable Futures & New Pathways to Innovation is an interactive online experience that explores three concrete challenges tackled by artists who have participated in S+T+ARTS across three thematic areas: Tangible Data, Sustainable Futures and Navigating the Digital Realm.

Education for Future Generation in Art, Technology, and Society
Maaya Makino, Andrew Newman
In the world of ‘A New Digital Deal,’ we need interdisciplinary ability to think about art, technology, and society from multiple perspectives. How can we teach this invisible skill to the future generation? In this Guided Tour, we would like to introduce various Gardens focusing on Education for young people.

An inspiration, a performance
Elham Dehghani (IR)
The performance named "Inspiration" by Elham Dehghani is an experience revealing the relationships between human and environment, which can be regarded as a discovery.

Little Old Lady
Asa Bagheri (IR), Maede Sabzalipour (IR), Iman Mohamadzadeh (IR), Ramona Moslemi (IR), Nima Masoudi Khorsand (IR), Kasra Noghredoost (IR), Azam Mousavian (IR), Diana Moslemi (IR)
Playreading. The story is about Little Old Lady set in the carriage of a moving London underground train. Two youngsters, an old lady, and others if extras can be afforded. At one of the stations a thuggish young man enters and begins to smoke. Smoking is forbidden. The old lady challenges him to put it out. He refuses. She asks the others to join in with her protest.

Hexagram (CA/QC), Université du Québec à Montréal (CA/QC), Concordia University (CA/QC)

Designing digital products more sustainably
Tom Jarrett (UK)
Learn about the environmental impacts of the internet and digital technology and join a workshop exploring how to think about designing digital products and services more sustainably.

Journey - Digital Aesthetics
National Museum of Science and Technology Leonardo da Vinci (IT)
The journey "Digital Aesthetics" will give an impression of the garden Milan and its topics.

Journey - Danube Dialogues
Gallery Bel Art (RS)
The journey "Danube Dialogues" gives an impression of the garden Novi Sad and its topics.