AIxMusic Industry Application Oriented Research

Vittorio Loreto (IT), Francois Pachet (FR), Akira Maezawa (JP)

Sun Sep 8, 2019, 1:15 pm - 2:45 pm
All times are given in Central European Summer Time (CEST / UTC +2).
POSTCITY, AIxMusic Stage

Speakers: Vittorio Loreto (IT), SonyLab / Francois Pachet (FR), Spotify / Akira Maezawa (JP), Yamaha


Vittorio Loreto, Credit: Vittorio Loreto

Vittorio Loreto (IT)
Vittorio Loreto is Full Professor of Physics of Complex Systems at Sapienza University of Rome and Faculty of the Complexity Science Hub Vienna. He is presently in leave of absence from Sapienza University to lead the SONY Computer Science Lab in Paris where he also leads the team of “Innovation, Creativity and Artificial Intelligence”. His scientific activity is mainly focused on the statistical physics of complex systems and its interdisciplinary applications. He coordinated several project at the EU and Italian level. More recently he coordinated the Templeton-funded KREYON project devoted to unfolding the dynamics of innovation and creativity. Loreto has published over 180 papers in internationally refereed journals and conference proceedings and chaired several workshops and conferences. He is member of the executive committee of the Complex Systems Society.

François Pachet, Credit: François Pachet

François Pachet (FR)
François Pachet got his Ph.D. and Habilitation from Université Pierre et Marie Curie (UPMC), after an engineer’s degree from Ecole des Ponts et Chaussées. He joined SONY Computer Science Laboratory Paris, where he developed several award winning technologies such as MusicSpace, Continuator for interactive music improvisation, and Flow Composer which paved the way for AI-based score composition.
François Pachet was elected EurAI Fellow in 2014 and doctor Honoris Causa of the University of Pernambuco (Brazil) in 2017. He was Principal Investigator of the Flow Machines ERC-funded project, which produced (with the musician SKYGGE) Daddy’s Car, a song in the style of the Beatles, and Hello World, the first mainstream music album composed with AI.
He is also a musician and has published two music albums (jazz and pop) as composer and performer. His current goal is to build a new generation of tools to assist music creation.

Akira Maezawa (JP)
Since joining Yamaha in 2011, Akira has worked on R&D of machine learning-based music audio analysis and real-time music interaction techniques that have been used in musical instruments, apps, music installations and concert events. He has given 40+ talks internationally for invited lectures, concerts, conferences and TV shows, and has received 10+ awards.