
Refik Anadol (TR/US)

POSTCITY, Bunker / Basememt, Ars Electronica Gallery Spaces, Paketspeicher

Ars Electronica has played a primary role in shaping the discourse at the intersection of art, science, society and technology. As an institution, its shared history is filled with a multitude of visionary projects that have reinforced the remarkable power of technology and collaboration. Origin is an immersive installation that aims to use self-reflection as a tool for anticipating future action. By applying machine learning to forty years of archival information from Ars Electronic itself, Origin aims to narrate this incredible cultural and scientific legacy through a latent cinematic composition. The boundaries of perception are illusory, constructed by our limitations. It is only by eliminating those boundaries that we may begin to appreciate the infinite opportunities that lie ahead. Traveling through time and space in the mind of a machine, Origin allows the use of machine intelligence and an immersive space to deconstruct our notions of finite moments and limited senses. This piece also speculates about what the future of a library or archive might look and feel like, if our interaction with knowledge and information were intuitive and embodied. Origin is not only a story of institutional foresight and innovation, but also one that makes visible the future trends and realities made possible by Ars Electronica.


Project Credits:

  • Refik Anadol Studio (This project is supported by Epson)



Refik Anadol (b. 1985, TR) is a media artist, director, and pioneer in the aesthetics of machine intelligence. His body of work locates creativity at the intersection of humans and machines. In taking the data that flows around us as his primary material and the neural network of a computerized mind as his collaborator, Anadol paints with a thinking brush, offering us radical visualizations of our digitized memories and expanding the possibilities of architecture, narrative, and the body in motion. Anadol’s site-specific parametric data sculptures, live audio/visual performances, and immersive installations take many forms, while offering a dramatic rethinking of the physical world, our relationship to time and space, and the creative potential of machines.
