This Land Is Not Mine | Album
Kat Austen (DE/UK)

The Album "This Land is Not Mine" is presented as a 45 minute solo performance by artist Kat Austen.

Pre-Opening Walk

Für alle, die es noch nicht erwarten können oder schon am Vorabend des Festivals in Linz sind, spazieren wir durch die Ausstellungsorte in der Linzer Innenstadt – vom Mariendom, über das LENTOS Kunstmuseum, die Kunstuniversität Linz und das Salzamt bis ins Ars Electronica Center.


On February 24, Russia invaded Ukraine. Mariupol, which since 2014 has been a symbol of Ukrainian resistance, has become a brutal example of tragedy and humanitarian catastrophe. On February 22, back then in peaceful Kyiv, Ukrainian composers Roman Grygoriv and Illia Razumeiko composed a piece for microtonal bandura, called "Mariupol". A new version of “Lullaby for Mariupol”, created especially for the Circus of Knowledge and the ars electronica festival 2022 will include rare footage of Mariupol mosaics from 6th and 7th centuries, now mostly destroyed by Russian forces during the siege of the city in March 2022. The performance is dedicated to all victims of Russian aggression.

Uwe Rieger (DE/NZ), Yinan Liu (NZ), Tharindu Kaluarachchi (LK), Amit Barde (IN)

LightSense kombiniert eine kinetische Konstruktion mit holografischen 3D-Animationen. Ein integriertes neuronales Netzwerk ermöglicht seiner Struktur sich mit den Besucher*innen zu unterhalten und sie in die Pavillons aus Liebe, Wut, Neugier und Freude eintauchen zu lassen.

Cooperative Aesthetics Performance
Botond Kelemen (HU), Bálint Budai (HU), Daniel Haas (artistname STURMHERTA) (AT )

Mold yourself! Fungi have existed for billions of years, setting the stage for humanity by supporting, carrying and converting life. – Schwarzes Rauschen (Black Noise) The project is an immersive, interactive installation, consisting of 12 different, dynamic worlds, which change their structures with the movement of the group of people currently being tracked.

Elliott Gaston-Ross (GB/IE) , Indiara Di Benedetto (IT)

The project Rooted performed at the Deep Space 8K is an artistic depiction of the effects of climate change on our planet through live electroacoustic musical performance with accompanimental visual effects by Indiara Di Benedetto.

Hebocon Reloaded / Ars Electronica create your world (AT), Foto: tom mesic
Hebocon Reloaded
Ars Electronica create your world (AT)

Das Ziel des diesjährigen Hebocon Reloaded Open Lab ist es, aus verschiedenen Materialien einen eigenen Low-Tech-Roboter als “Alter Ego” zu bauen. Am Ende steht ein großartiges Challenge-Event, bei dem zwar kein*e Sieger*innen gekürt werden, aber die Veranstaltung selbst feiert das Zusammenkommen und das gemeinschaftliche kreative Tun von Festivalbesucher*innen, Künstler*innen und Projektpartner*innen.

Daniel Haas (artistname STURMHERTA) (AT)

VRA_peek is an audio-visual performance, in which sound is created exclusively out of images.

Sound Campus – Talks & Presentations
Overtoon (BE), bb15 (AT), iii (NL), Lydgalleriet (NO)

Sound Campus – Workshop
Seffen Korritsch / Noisio (DE), Alwin Weber (DE)