
The VRNetzer
The MencheLab (AT)
Through the VRNetzer platform scientists can visually and intuitively gain insights into complex data, consisting of entities and links in between them, represented as networks for an immersive data visualization and exploration endeavor leading towards the future of data analysis.

Dominik Grünbühel (AT), Norbert Unfug (AT)
Zwischenwelten creates a space beyond the classifications of reality as we are used to it. While wandering through semi-closed spaces, the observer experiences a new, unknown flexibility of transformation of space.

Rafael Ludescher (AT), Shahab Nedaei (IR)
It’s ironic that one can be more at peace in the virtual world than in the real one. How concepts, thoughts, time and space bend only to the personal perception of fiction. Well, Buddha clearly didn’t think that we took his teachings that we establish our own reality quite literally and shape a world that only bends to will and ambitions.

Networks explain the Multiverse of Data
Stephan Reichl (AT)
Cancer therapies and their success depend on various factors. The approach towards immune checkpoint inhibitors provided novel therapeutic options for patients. However, developing resistance remains a challenge

Rendezvous in my dreams
Shahab Nedaei (IR)
Where am I? I follow the sirens through the streets. I arrive. Drenched in sweat in my bed. Night after night.

Taming Entropy: From Chaos to Order Through a Vortex of Data
Stephan Reichl (AT), Anna Kusienicka (PL), Christoph Bock (DE), Matthias Farlik (AT)
The project The Sound of Neuronal Morphologies studies and models self-organizational tree network structures in the context of neuronal cells.

The Sound of Neuronal Morphologies
Mehmet Can Ucar (TR)
The project The Sound of Neuronal Morphologies studies and models self-organizational tree network structures in the context of neuronal cells.

Periods of Space
Thomas Hochwallner (AT)
Periods of Space is an experimental artistic approach towards spatial perception and perspective working with 3D camera tracking and digital collaging methods.

Protein Landscapes
Sebastian Falk (DE)
Proteins are the building blocks of life. How they interact determines the performance of our whole organism.

On the Topology of Synthetic Organs
Keisuke Ishihara (JP)
The organs in our body have a complex internal architecture consisting of tubes and loops. The heart, the brain, and the kidney all distribute information and material through the network of tubes and loops. How do organ form and function emerge from a small group of cells? How can we engineer 3d organ morphology and expand existing organ functions?