Ars Electronica Solutions

Sensing a new time & space
Rupert Huber (AT), Alexander Minichmair (AT), Klaus Dieterstorfer (AT), Felix Minichmair (AT), Florian Berger (AT)
Sensing a new time & space, sonification and visualization of the dynamics of a society at the brink of a radical shift towards a new paradigm of sustainability and empathy for the biosphere.

Solastalgia Detector
Erika Mondria (AT)
Solastalgia is a new form of stress caused by environmental changes. Use the Solastalgia Detector to discover, via unconscious mind activity, what your tendency is towards this new sense of loss.

Sustainable action is a matter of the heart – Reason will not get us anywhere!
Johannes Gutmann (AT), Pippa Buchanan (AU), Florian Reiche (AT), Nadine Schratzberger (AT), Julia Wöger (AT), Stefan Kaineder (AT)
In a panel of courageous pioneers of sustainable thinking and doing, we discuss the question of what feeds constructive resistance to the consequences of climate change, the biodiversity crisis and our economic system.