CoBot Studio - Research Insights into Human Robot Collaboration
Martina Mara (AT), Brigitte Krenn (AT), Roland Haring (AT), Peter Holzkorn (AT), Kathrin Meyer (DE)

How to communicate with robot colleagues, increase acceptance for them and create a safe work environment? With the "CoBot Studio" research program, the LIT Robopsychology Lab of the JKU Linz, the Ars Electronica Futurelab and five other partners have been working on these and more questions for years now.

Tata Frenkel (LT)

This is a performative lecture during which a certain socio-poetic reference book called Anti-saving Instrumentary is taught. These are anti-preservation instruments. Mental drawings, verbal constructs, tornadoes. [ɡrɐˈza] concerns the methods of excessive interpretation — which the author creates here and now based on the principle of synecdoche.

BIO AUSTRIA - Farmers Market

Regional producers offer their sustainable, home-grown delicacies — first-class food without unnecessary additives, pesticides or fertilizers, seasonal and regional. The festival is truly enriched by this local produce.

When the Wind Blows from Everywhere, We Make Art and (Sur)render Reality
Vilnius Academy of Arts (LT), MENE (LT), INSTITUTIO MEDIA (LT)

Right after the pandemic, young artists in Lithuania were hit by the war. The unrest in neighboring countries enabled them to work out how to calm down, find new ways of communication, come up with methods for resilience and survival. Let’s make art and (sur)render new virtualities to help Ukraine win. All in order to strive and continue making art. We already have Planet B more real than ever!

You and I, You and Me
Mindaugas Gapsevicius (LT) in collaboration with Maria Safronova Wahlström (SE)

You and I, You and Me explores the possibilities of communication through electricity. It proposes that electricity could help to reveal the imperceptible connections between different actors within the environment. How far could electricity help in understanding others? Is there a possibility to alter human senses by electric impulses? The participatory event invites the audience to imagine the future and to experience the environment by wearing jewelry, shoes, and headwear.

Teufelberger (AT), Ars Electronica (AT)

Probably one of the most spectacular domains for encounter at the festival is the treetop talk developed jointly with the Teufelberger Group.

Jobbuffet - about working and providing work
AMS (AT), Ars Electronica (AT)

In cooperation with the AMS — Arbeitsmarktservice (Public Employment Service), we are addressing a paradox in European labor markets that affects virtually every industry: that while jobs are available, the standards and demands of employees have reconfigured and changed.

Buffer Overflow the Mindframes!
Bauhaus-University Weimar (DE)

The students present a live improvised audiovisual concert where the sound component is on an equal footing with the video. The dramaturgy follows a clear line and combines numerous abstract forms of visualization and programming. Buffer Overflow the Mindframes! refers to the rise of pop-cultural references in digital media in the early 2000s, but instead of the tedious processes of that time, improvisation and recombination are part of the artistic expression.

Reading: Tüchtige Arbeiter

The play "Tüchtige Arbeiter" ("Hard Workers") deals with a question of conscience that shakes up and confronts the fate of humanity ubiquitously and usually too late: How far do we use our talents to advance - or destroy - our species?

Ars Electronica Award Ceremony

The spotlight is on this year’s winners and their prize-winning projects at the official Award Ceremony of Prix Ars Electronica Golden Nicas and STARTS’ 22 Prizes.