Ars Electronica Futurelab: Life Ink Exhibition
Wacom Co., Ltd. (JP); Ars Electronica Futurelab (AT)

In the Life Ink exhibition, the Ars Electronica Futurelab presents wearable gear for the real-time visualization of brainwave and body signals as digital brush strokes, called Life Ink. The project explores the inner mechanism of creativity in our brain and body to develop a new form of ink. Life Ink is part of the lab's Future Ink research project with Wacom, with workshops and demonstrations on Space Ink, Bio Ink and Life Ink throughout the Festival.

Ars Electronica Futurelab: Life Ink Demo
Wacom Co., Ltd. (JP); Ars Electronica Futurelab (AT)

In the Life Ink exhibition, the Ars Electronica Futurelab presents wearable gear for the real-time visualization of brainwave and body signals as digital brush strokes, called Life Ink. The project explores the inner mechanism of creativity in our brain and body to develop a new form of ink. In the workshop some of the visitors can try out the gear, creating their own Life Ink. Life Ink is part of the lab's Future Ink research project with Wacom, with Festival workshops and demonstrations.

Floating Codes
Ralf Baecker (DE)

Floating Codes is a light and sound installation that performs the inner workings and hidden aesthetics of artificial neural networks. The exhibition space itself becomes an open neural network. Signals of information travel as light and sound pulses through the exhibition space. Signals are looping, mutating, feedbacking, and canceling themselves, resulting in a complex and continuous altering of visual and acoustic movements.

Biobot: AI ARThropods
Zoran Srdić Janežič (SI)

Biobot uses biotech and software developments to create an artistic narrative about the bio-technological body and its representation. The project is focused on tissue engineering and the harvesting of an electric signal from neurons which influences the movement and shape of a biobot.