Mauricio Lacrampette (CL), Santiago Valdivieso (CL), Diego Gajardo (CL), Lucas Margotta (CL)
Liquid Sky is a ritual in which the interaction between the live image of the Atacama sky, the Ars Electronica attendees in Linz and a series of machines, mechanical gestures and data flows are assembled in a rhizome of trans-local feedback. Distinction between observer and observed is blurred, giving rise to the possibility of a collective tele-contemplation, using the fluctuating image of the sky as a means of global encounter.

Maa Kheru
Christian Kosmas Mayer (AT/DE)
Using CT scans of a 2000-year-old Egyptian mummy, the artist created an exact replica of the mummy’s vocal tract, which he then fitted with a movable silicone tongue. Mayer played this artificial vocal organ as though it were an instrument and produced a range of vocal sounds from which he then composed this multi-channel sound piece. Falling somewhere between science and poetic speculation, the resulting sounds take us into the depths of time and combine the archaic with the hypermodern.

Center for Plant Immigrant Integration
Kuang-Yi Ku (TW/NL)
Center for Plant Immigrant Integration explores the relationship between, plants and bacteria as a metaphor for human migration to Europe.

Yuima Nakazato (JP), Ryua Honda (JP), Takahito Iguchi (JP), Yukari Wada (JP)
This program was established in 2021, under the belief that to search, praise, and educate future fashion designers who have the courage and ambition to take a new step in fashion will lead us to a better society.

Floating Codes
Ralf Baecker (DE)
Floating Codes is a light and sound installation that performs the inner workings and hidden aesthetics of artificial neural networks. The exhibition space itself becomes an open neural network. Signals of information travel as light and sound pulses through the exhibition space. Signals are looping, mutating, feedbacking, and canceling themselves, resulting in a complex and continuous altering of visual and acoustic movements.

Synthetic Messenger
Tega Brain (AU), Sam Lavigne (US)
Synthetic Messenger is a botnet that artificially inflates the value of climate news.

The Fallen Clouds
Josefina Buschmann (CL), Daniela Camino (CL), Nicole L’Huillier, Francisca Saéz(CL), Poli Mujica (CL)
The Fallen Clouds is a speculative research-based installation that delves into the socio-environmental resonances of digital infrastructures in Chile by following a “digital cloud” searching for its body and origin extended from the Pacific Ocean to the Atacama Desert.

Calico Human
Kuang-Yi Ku (TW/NL)
Calico Human examines the plausibility and desirability of manipulating skin color through the use of new biomedical technologies. It aims to explore the complex relationships between race, migration, health, fashion and the future of biomedical services.

Archive of Spatial Knowledge
Irakli Sabekia (GE/NL)
Archive of Spatial Knowledge is an experimental digital platform. It gathers spatial and social memory of individuals who were forcefully displaced, or are denied spatial rights in the locations of their current residence. Archive‘s digital tool allows its contributors to attach their memories to physical locations in a virtual layer. While at the same time viewers can use the platform to access the erased knowledge on location, juxtaposing invisible stories and the reality of physical spaces.

Dorotea Dolinšek (SI)
TerraPort is a machine derived from the human desire for interplanetary travel and for initiating life on other planets. It is a prototype of the terraforming process of the Martian regolith, in which the artist’s intimate body is invested along with generations of soybeans as a model organism. In a cyclical process, the infertile substrate composed in line with the data collected from Mars orbiters is enriched, generation by generation, by the organic matter sourced from the artist’s female body.