We communicate, we store and read, we look and hear, we publish and share. Every day we look at screens, carry mobile devices around and move around the net. Whether in the tram, at work, in the Internet café or in our own four walls: The net accompanies us through our lives and changes them – and we leave traces in all the digital steps we take. The exhibition “Out of Control – What the digital world knows about you”, conceived by Ars Electronica Solutions, focuses on the aspects of digitization and sensitizes visitors through informative and playfully interactive installations. In order to make this thematic field accessible primarily to young people, but also to a broad public, the City of Bregenz is now bringing the exhibition into its premises for a period of two months.
We are surrounded by digital data, and the sources from which this data is generated are becoming increasingly numerous. It doesn’t matter whether we interact with other people in social networks, feed search engines with our questions, send and receive text messages or e-mails, view websites or upload photos, pull out customer cards or control heating from a distance, connect to even the most inconspicuous objects on the Internet of Things or have ourselves filmed from a game console, enter a destination or measure our pulse, place ourselves on the scales or have the steps counted.

“Big Data” – large and complex amounts of data are searched, analysed and combined in a short time. “Clouds” – in huge server farms we store our personal data so that it can be accessed from anywhere. Authorities, companies and others intervene – they know what we like, where we are, who we are. Surveillance cameras recognize human faces, sensors measure our actions, systems crack our passwords in fractions of a second and kidnap our digital self.
This exhibition is the beginning of a cooperation with the cultural office of the city of Bregenz to make the important topics of the future accessible to a wide audience in jointly developed formats.

You can find out more about the supporting programme here.
Project Credits
Michael Mondria, Ina Badics, Florian Cossee, Stefan Dorn, Stepha Farkashazy,
Garamantis, Yvonne Hauser, Petros Kataras, Patrick Müller, My Trinh Müller-Gardiner, Andreas Pramböck, Gerald Priewasser-Höller, Dominik Trichlin, Markus Wipplinger
Extern: Kulturamt der Landeshauptstadt Bregenz, Tischlerei Niedermayer
Foto Credits: Landeshaupstadt Bregenz, Udo Mittelberger