Austrian National Tourist Office – atb_experience

GeoPulse in Carinthia


Ars Electronica Solutions realized six interactive terminals for the “atb_experience”, an event by the Austrian National Tourist Office. The terminals enabled visitors to access statistics, pictures and real time data about tourism in Austria’s federal states via an interactive brochure. With an Anoto pen, visitors choose locations on maps included in the brochure, thereby retrieving tourism-related information. The data is displayed on screens, making it possible for other visitors to enjoy the information as well.

For the first time, based upon the AES product GeoPulse, a folder was developed which makes geo-referential content available via a digital pen. 59 flash animations provide fascinating facts about the tourism in Austria, such as the number of overnight stays, energy consumption, or water supply. The attractive brochure was also a popular give-away, enabling visitors to retrieve additional information about toursim via QR code.

Client: Austrian National Tourist Office
Project Credits: Bernd Albl, Imanol Gomez, Martina Karrer, Stefanija Najdovska (external), Dietmar Peter, Stephan Pointner, Vanessa Schauer, Markus Wipplinger

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