Technodom / Abhishek Sen (IN), Shima Solati Dehkordi (IR), Hoda Solati (IR), Andrea Bautista-Romero (MX), Photo: Abhishek Sen


Abhishek Sen (IN), Shima Solati Dehkordi (IR), Hoda Solati (IR), Andrea Bautista-Romero (MX)

Technodom is an exhilarating VR journey to the birth of techno music in Detroit, providing a truly unique interaction with the music pioneers themselves. Delve into the extraordinary Hall of Fame, where you’ll discover visionary musicians who spearheaded freedom movements through their groundbreaking techno sounds. Ignite the fiery spirit of liberation and unleash it as a Techno DJ at the enchanting silent disco. The mesmerizing center stage completely engulfs your being, freeing your mind and body and compelling you to surrender and dance to techno music’s infectious, pulsating rhythms. Embark on an extraordinary quest for freedom within the captivating realm of Technodom.

Abhishek Sen (IN)

Abhishek Sen, an MA UX Design graduate student at College for Creative Studies, Detroit, USA

Shima Solati Dehkordi (IR)

Shima Solati Dehkordi, an MFA UX Design graduate student at College for Creative Studies, Detroit, USA.

Hoda Solati (IR)

Hoda Solati, an MFA UX Design graduate student at College for Creative Studies, Detroit, USA.

Andrea Bautista-Romero (MX)

Andrea Bautista-Romero, an MFA UX Design graduate student at College for Creative Studies, Detroit, USA.