Wushu / Aven Le Zhou , Photo: Aven Le Zhou


Aven Le Zhou (CN)

Generating the Experience of Chinese Calligraphy from Bodily Engagements

Wushu is an infinite and collaboratively written “book” which intends to encourage and archive active participation in cursive calligraphy, while extending its scope as an art form. It engages the audience in generating ink strokes and inscrutable characters from motion and automatically “writes” them in the style of Chinese Cursive Calligraphy. The book serves as a compendium for the generated works and keeps expanding with the collective participation.

Aven Le Zhou (CN)

Aven Le Zhou (b. 1991, Wuhan, China) is an artist-scholar who works with interactive media and generative algorithms. Since 2018, he has focused on generative deep learning to effectuate human-AI collaborative creativity. He was elected a Fellow at the Royal Society of Arts and an Affiliated Fellow at the Chartered Society of Designers in 2022.