Photo: Florian Voggeneder

Conferences & Lectures

Wem gehört die Wahrheit? Nimm zwischen dem 6. und 10. September 2023 an lebhaften interdisziplinären Diskussionen, inspirierenden Vorträgen und interaktiven Workshops teil, die dieser zentralen Frage nachgehen. Beim Themensymposium beleuchten Expert*innen, wie die Technologie unser Verhältnis zur Gesellschaft, zur Natur und zur Demokratie verändert hat; lerne die ersten Teilnehmer*innen des FOUNDING LAB kennen, einer neuen Universität mit einem grundlegend interdisziplinären Ansatz; nimm an unseren Prix-Foren teil, bei denen visionäre Künstler*innen ihre preisgekrönten Werke vorstellen, mit denen sie die Grenzen von Kunst und Technologie ausloten; und besuche unser Konferenzprogramm mit vielfältigen Perspektiven zu Wahrheit, Eigentum und digitaler Souveränität.

  • A New University Starts

    A New University Starts

    Ars Electronica x IDSA FOUNDING LAB

    For the public conference, interdisciplinary students and fellows from all over the world gather to challenge the conventional understanding of truth and knowledge in education and co-develop future visions for a pioneering university.

  • Ars Electronica Theme Symposium: The Next Renaissance

    Ars Electronica Theme Symposium: The Next Renaissance

    A S+T+ARTS Day Conference

    This year’s STARTS Conference explores the conflicting ethics, values and priorities that arise as a result of accelerating technological and societal development.

  • Ars Electronica Theme Symposium: (Un)Earthing the Truth – Ownership and Narratives about the Planet

    Ars Electronica Theme Symposium: (Un)Earthing the Truth – Ownership and Narratives about the Planet

    A More-than-Planet Conference

    Through interactive sessions, keynotes, panels and workshops, we contemplate the true value of ownership and how it all relates to our relationship with nature. From the ethics of space exploration to the governance of deep-sea resources, we ask what truly is ours and how we can solve pressing problems through innovative financing of our global…

  • Ars Electronica Theme Symposium: End of Truth?

    Ars Electronica Theme Symposium: End of Truth?

    An EU DigitalDeal Conference

    The knowledge revolution has a profound impact on our society. Through engaging lectures, interactive sessions and keynotes, we delve into the challenges of distinguishing fact from fiction in the digital age and explore the delicate relationship between technology, power dynamics, politics, and truth.

  • PRIX Day

    PRIX Day

    Ars Electronica (AT)

    The Prix Forum brings together the honored artists who have received the Golden Nica and Award of Distinction in their respective categories at Prix Ars Electronica for an artist talk and discussion of their award-winning works.

  • Re-build Together: Digital, human and arts-driven innovation in Africa

    Re-build Together: Digital, human and arts-driven innovation in Africa

    Gideon Brefo (GH), Chris Emezue (NG), Femi Johnson (NG), Tammy Langtry (ZA), David Shongo (CD)

    In this conversation, we will discuss ways to re-build the story and pathway of our countries and continents, seeking to know and understand the role that digital, human and arts-driven innovation is and can play in Africa.

  • Symposium Perspektiven Politischer Bildung

    Symposium Perspektiven Politischer Bildung

    Arbeiterkammer OÖ (AT), Pädagogische Hochschule OÖ (AT), Ars Electronica (AT)

    Das Programm besteht aus Keynotes (Barbara Blaha und Knut Cordsen), Workshops, Präsentationen und einer Podiumsdiskussion. Als einer der Höhepunkte stellen Jugendliche ein eigenes Projekt zum Symposiumsthema vor. Das Symposium richtet sich an Akteurinnen der politischen Bildung, insbesondere an Lehrer*innen, Studierende und an andere in der Jugendarbeit tätige Multiplikator*innen.

  • Expanded Animation Symposium

    Expanded Animation Symposium

    University of Applied Sciences Upper Austria, Hagenberg Campus (AT) and the Ars Electronica Festival in cooperation with the University for the Creative Arts, Farnham (UK)

    Bei der 11. Ausgabe des Expanded Animation Symposiums diskutieren zahlreichen internationale Expert*innen aus Kunst, Wissenschaft und Forschung an drei Tagen über das diesjährige Thema „The Art of Performance“. Das Symposium bietet mehrere Programmschienen: die Panels Kunst & Industrie, Artist Position, Performative Acts, und Virtual Stages, das Synaesthetic Syntax Symposium und das ASIFA Austria Forum.

  • Forum: Digitale Bildung

    Forum: Digitale Bildung

    Konzept: Martina Sochor (AT), Elke Hackl (AT), Josef Buchner (AT/CH), Hans-Christian Merten (AT); Teilnehmer*innen: Katharina Hof (AT), Ian Banerjee (AT/IN), Artist Meditaçoes (AT), Martin Bauer (AT), Sonja Hinteregger-Euller (AT), Jan G. Grünwald (DE/AT), Sebastian Paar (AT), Conny Lee (AT), Elke Hackl (AT)

    Das pädagogische Jahr 2022/23 war geprägt von einem Thema: Digitale Grundbildung. Das nun verpflichtende Unterrichtsfach der Sekundarstufe I wurde implementiert, die Schulen mit Tablets ausgestattet und in einem viersemestrigen Hochschullehrgang werden Lehrkräfte, die das Fach bereits unterrichten, mit dem Nötigsten an Wissen und Fertigkeiten versorgt.

  • Bad Ischl Salzkammergut 2024 European Capital of Culture Jour-Fixe

    Bad Ischl Salzkammergut 2024 European Capital of Culture Jour-Fixe

    Kulturhauptstadt Bad Ischl Salzkammergut 2024 GmbH (AT)

    Bad Ischl Salzkammergut 2024 erforscht durch Kunst und Kultur die Geschichte und Gegenwart der Region sowie Visionen für die Zukunft und untersucht die Beziehung zu Europa und der Welt.

  • Next Renaissance Launch Event

    Next Renaissance Launch Event

    S+T+ARTS (EU)

    The Next Renaissance platform aims to develop a global transdisciplinary movement that encourages scientific, technological, cultural and artistic convergence towards a paradigm shift in the ways we think, plan and act.

  • Prompt Battle

    Prompt Battle

    Florian A. Schmidt (DE), Sebastian Schmieg (DE)

    Prompt Battle is a live game show format where people compete against each other using text-to-image software. Show off your prompt skills and maybe the audience will choose you as the winner who elicited the most surprising, disturbing or beautiful images from the latent space of DALL·E. Do you have what it takes to become…

  • State of the ART(ist)

    State of the ART(ist)

    Leila Nachawati Rego (ES/SY), Indigene Harris (ZA), Mahsa Aleph (IR), Christoph Thun Hohenstein (AT), Taiye Ojo (NG), Marita Muukkonen (FI), Mac Andre Arboleda (PH), Lucia Pietroiusti (IT), Klara Kostal (AT)

    State of the ART(ist), a collaboration between Ars Electronica and the Austrian Ministry of Foreign Affairs, focuses on artists who face threats to their existence, whether in the form of political persecution or environmental disasters.

  • On Culture and Measurement: New Approaches for the Common Good

    On Culture and Measurement: New Approaches for the Common Good

    Scientific and quantitative results are the cornerstone of what we consider the truth today. Digital transformation and data-driven methods can not only help the cultural and creative sectors and industries (CCSI) to thrive but can also be fueled with inspirations from these sectors to further amplify their impact.

  • SHARESPACE – Panel Discussion

    SHARESPACE – Panel Discussion

    Ars Electronica Futurelab (AT)

    During this panel discussion consortium members from different research partners discuss the core concepts of the SHARESPACE project, why art exploration is important in European R&D projects, and the Open Call for Artists put out by the project.

  • Not your data? Open relationship between culture and technology

    Not your data? Open relationship between culture and technology

    Zi Yin Chen (TW) & Hsiang Feng Chuang (TW), Hui-Ching KO (TW), Yen-Lin Huang (TW), Aurélien Dirler (FR) , Vivian Chen (TW), Hsin-Chien Huang (TW)

    Does data ownership influence creative processes and creativity? How do data-based artworks and content shape our perspectives and thoughts? Artists and creators push the boundaries in cultural tech, and accelerate evolutions in the ecosystem.

  • AI5production Tag

    AI5production Tag

    AI5production (AT)

    AI5production ist einer von 4 österreichischen EDIHs (European Digital Innovation Hubs), die zum paneuropäischen EDIH-Netzwerk gehören.  Er vereint ein interdisziplinäres Konsortium aus führenden Forschern, Unternehmen und Praktikern aus den Bereichen Digitales Design, Digitale Produktion, Künstliche Intelligenz und Cybersecurity.  Im Rahmen der Ars Electronica 2023 laden wir Interessierte zu einem AI5Production Tag am 8. September in…

  • JKU Square: Next Truth Prediction

    JKU Square: Next Truth Prediction

    Johannes Kepler Universität Linz (JKU), JKU Zirkus des Wissens (ZdW), JKU Spin-off EUMETA, Time’s Up, William Kentridge, Rimini Protokoll, MIT Center for Constructive Communication (CCC) Cortico

    “Die Vernunft bringt die Wahrheit ans Licht.” Diese programmatische Aussage kennzeichnete das Zeitalter der Aufklärung. Heute nähern wir uns der Realität mit Hilfe von Wahrscheinlichkeitsverteilungen: Large Language Models (LLMs) wie ChatGPT (OpenAI) oder Bard (Google) werden zu zentralen Informationsquellen. Ein LLM wird mit großen Textmengen trainiert, um Wörter vorhersagen zu können.

  • European Digital Deal Summit

    European Digital Deal Summit

    European Digital Deal (EU)

    The European Digital Deal is a three-year investigation co-funded by Creative Europe into how the accelerated, yet at times unconsidered adoption of new technologies—such as artificial intelligence, machine learning, blockchain and algorithmic processing—can alter or undermine democratic processes.

  • Feminist AI: A public lecture series in cooperation with FIFITU% Network for Women* in Art and Culture in Upper Austria

    Feminist AI: A public lecture series in cooperation with FIFITU% Network for Women* in Art and Culture in Upper Austria

    Elena Knox (AU)

    The Feminist AI lecture series will present inspiring lectures on gender and AI. Throughout this autumn, the series will bring together a diverse range of lectures by artists and scholars working at the intersection of technology, art and gender, who will present how feminist thinking and intersectional experience has influenced their work.

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