Empreintes sonores / Victor Drouin-Trempe (CA), Jean-Philippe Côté (CA), Photo: vog.photo

Empreintes sonores

Victor Drouin-Trempe (CA), Jean-Philippe Côté (CA)

Empreintes sonores is an interactive installation that looks at the traces we leave in the digital space. The installation uses a hacked voice-activated assistant to record continuously. The captured sounds are triturated, remixed and played back in the environment. When vocalizations are detected, they materialize visually. It then becomes possible to navigate the frozen sound by moving in space. Thus, it is no longer the sound that travels to our ears but our ears that must travel through sound.

Victor Drouin-Trempe, Jean-Philippe Côté

Victor Drouin-Trempe is an artist, researcher and professor in sound creation and philosophy. His current research is based on the exploration of the characteristics of what can be called a “living sound”. Jean-Philippe Côté is an award-winning artist, professor of interactive media and researcher whose work explores the juncture of art, obsolescence and technology. Both are Hexagram Network doctoral student members at Université du Québec à Montréal.