Sensory Voyage / Ars Electronica Garden Formosa: Virtual and Physical Media Integration Association of Taiwan (TW), photo:

Sensory Voyage

Ars Electronica Garden Formosa: Virtual and Physical Media Integration Association of Taiwan (TW)

Taiwan’s Metaverse Exploration

Begeben Sie sich auf eine Sensory Voyage: Taiwan’s Metaverse Exploration, eine immersive Reise in das künstlerische Universum Taiwans, wo Technologie und Tradition miteinander harmonieren. Hier verschmelzen virtuelle Realität und künstliche Intelligenz mit Kunst und führen Sie durch Landschaften der Erinnerungen, persönlichen Erzählungen, ökologischen Erzählungen und kulturellen Reflexionen.

Die Ausstellung lädt Sie ein, eine Reihe von interaktiven Installationen, Animationen und digitalen Erzählungen zu erleben, die Ihre Wahrnehmung von Realität und Wahrheit in Frage stellen. Begeben Sie sich auf eine Reise durch dieses Metaverse, die vom Skurrilen und Fantastischen bis hin zum Tiefgründigen und Introspektiven reicht, während die reichhaltige Vielfalt der taiwanesischen Kultur und Identität durch die transformative Linse von Technologie und Kunst entflechtet wird.

Sensory Voyage: Taiwan’s Metaverse Exploration ist mehr als nur eine Ausstellung; es ist ein tiefer Einblick in das Zusammenspiel von Wahrheit, taiwanesischer Identität und digitaler Innovation. Beim Durchqueren dieses fesselnden Metaverse werden Sie nicht nur ein unvergessliches sensorisches Erlebnis haben, sondern sich immer wieder die Frage stellen „Wem gehört die Wahrheit wirklich?“ Schließlich wird sich Taiwans einzigartige Fusion von Tradition und Technologie in Ihr Bewusstsein eingeprägt haben und die Reise über den Ausstellungsraum hinaus fortsetzen.

  • A Meditation on Noise and Signals

    A Meditation on Noise and Signals

    Jade Lien (TW), Jett Lien (TW)

    In today’s information age, how to extract desired information and filter out unnecessary signals from the noise field in this world is an art form we must master to find inner peace. In the visual component of this work, a series of clear images are turned into noise and transformed into an abstract landscape.



    Yen-Jung Chang (TW), Tzren-Ru Chou (TW), Yuting Hsueh (TW), Hsin-Chien Huang (TW), Jao-Hsun Tseng (TW), Hsi-Chun Wang (TW)

    This work draws inspiration from Hakka mythology and culture. It presents hypotheses regarding the future globalization of the Earth, promotes the vision of achieving prosperity among diverse ethnic groups and carries on the Hakka spirit.

  • Asomrof in Bacta Tank

    Asomrof in Bacta Tank

    Yuting Hsueh (TW)

    Characters from Asomrof, a sci-fi narative in new media art about Hakka space migration. Asomrof in Bacta Tank displays the Hakka papercutting style CG characters in an aquarium-like device that allows the audience to experience holographic 3D with the naked eye.

  • Beimen VR

    Beimen VR

    Hsiao-Yue Tsao (TW)

    West District in Taipei City houses historical sites whose former glory has faded. Taipei West Gateway project employs AR and VR technologies to offer a nostalgic tour of Japanese colonial-era Taipei. VR exhibit showcases landmarks while providing a 360° view.

  • Blue Tears

    Blue Tears

    Hsiao-Yue Tsao (TW)

    This work weaves an old sea tale into a story centered around the unique bio-luminescence in the sea around the island of Matzu, known as “Blue Tears”. The naïve hero’s desire to give his heroine a good life leads him down a path of greed and ultimately to his demise in a shipwreck.

  • Bodyless


    Hsin-Chien Huang (TW)

    The story is from director’s childhood memories which depicts the reduction of humanity by military government during martial law in Taiwan, the colonial culture as well as the digital era, creating a story beyond reality.

  • Childhood Revisited

    Childhood Revisited

    Wen-Chieh Chang (TW)

    There is a darkroom flashing with dim red lights. A person carefully puts the negatives into the cassette with both hands, focusing on the paper below with a magnifier moving up and down in flaring lights. An image emerges on the paper.

  • Chinese AI Impressionism: Dynamic and Serene Landscapes

    Chinese AI Impressionism: Dynamic and Serene Landscapes

    Hsin-Chien Huang (TW), Peppercorns Interactive Media Art Inc. (TW)

    By combining five Chinese landscape paintings of historical significance and utilizing machine learning techniques, the artists enable the computer to learn and generate 15,000 images that fuse elements from the five original artworks.

  • Gray Room

    Gray Room

    Che-yu Hsu (TW), Wan-Yin Chen (TW)

    In Gray Room, I use the 3D scan model to visualize my late grandmother’s house as a method to explore the relationship between architectural space and body, and to examine my perception of memory and death from a material perspective.

  • Kuo Hsueh-Hu: The Reminiscence of Taiwan in His Heart

    Kuo Hsueh-Hu: The Reminiscence of Taiwan in His Heart

    Hsin-Chien Huang (TW), Wen-Chieh Chang (TW)

    This work is inspired by Kuo Hsueh-Hu: The Reminiscence of Taiwan in His Heart, written by Sunny Kuo, the second son of Kuo Hsueh-Hu. These three selected paintings of Kuo are a demonstration of the painter’s affections for his motherland despite living abroad.

  • Metaverse Fashion: Civilisation of Love

    Metaverse Fashion: Civilisation of Love

    Claudia Wang (TW)

    From Claudia Wang’s fashion brand 23 Autumn/Winter collection, a series inspired by Y2K nostalgia has been launched. This seeks to cultivate the mischievous and open-minded spirit we experienced in our childhood through vibrant designs and bright colors.

  • Mirror


    De-Chuen Wu (TW)

    Three tin toys keep changing their costumes on the stage and performing in turns. However, they find themselves trapped in a dreamlike state resembling a mirror image, unable to extricate themselves.

  • OverShadowed: Dependance

    OverShadowed: Dependance

    Wei-Tseng Lai (TW), Mu-Fan Hsu (TW), Yu-Yu Chou (TW), Chun-Yi Wei (TW), Bo-Yu Chen (TW)

    OverShadowed: Dependence is a VR escaping game, in which players find a way to switch between self and shadow to figure out the link between true items and hallucinations. By making use of the features of light and shadow, players complete each chapter.

  • Red Tail

    Red Tail

    Fish Wang (TW)

    At a train station floating in the cloud, a mysterious red tail catches the boy’s attention. Chasing the red tail, the boy travels through countless magical places, runs into bizarre creatures, and finally he meets a man who seems to know his secrets more than he does.

  • Samsara


    Hsin-Chien Huang (TW)

    It is the near future, the Earth’s environment has been destroyed by human beings. We have to abandon it and find a new home in space. After hundred years of space travel, we have re-engineered our DNA and artificially evolved into a new form.

  • Sophie’s Secret

    Sophie’s Secret

    Che-Kuang Chuang (TW)

    Sophie comes across a worm on the street, and the worm penetrates her chest and plunges inside her body. The worm in her body becomes her secret. She first tries to get rid of it, but she soon discovers that her parents, too, have worms inside them.

  • Subsistence Machines in Meta World

    Subsistence Machines in Meta World

    Che-Kuang Chuang (TW)

    Subsistence Machines in Metaworld is an artist’s collection of imaginative machines, addressing needs in the metaverse. The artist compares real and virtual worlds, using media symbols to create these machines for food, clothing, appearance, residence and transportation in metaverse.

  • Where is Noddy

    Where is Noddy

    Chih-Yen Hsu (TW)

    Kids are playing hide and seek. They conceal themselves all around the apartment: under the table, behind the curtain, behind the fridge, in the closet. All the other kids are found one by one and discuss the next game excitingly. The last little boy Noddy still stays in the closet peeking at them.

  • Wonder of Life

    Wonder of Life

    Wen-Chieh Chang (TW)

    What is life?


Die 2017 gegründete Virtual and Physical Media Integration Association of Taiwan (VPAT) versammelt Talente, darunter Medienkünstlerinnen, Wissenschaftlerinnen und Software-/Hardware-Anbieter, um interdisziplinäre Kreationen auf Grundlage digitaler Technologien zu erforschen und zu entwickeln, z. B. die Integration virtueller und realer Projektionen, VR/AR/XR, Live-Computerbildgebung, große interaktive Geräte usw. Im Mittelpunkt unserer Arbeit stehen professionelle Anwendungen für Ausstellungen, Veranstaltungen, darstellende Künste, Konzerte und Fernsehproduktionen.


Curator: Hsin-Chien Huang Producer: Hsiao-Yue Tsao Technical Director: Wei-Chieh Chiu Programming: Jiun-Yan You Opening Ceremony Director: Billy Chang Partners: Ministry of Culture, Department of Cultural Affairs, Taipei City Government, National Science and Technology Council, Taiwan Creative Content Agency, Taiwan Public Television Service, Hakka Public Communication Foundation, Hakka Affairs Council, Kaohsiung Film Archive, National Taiwan Normal university, National Taipei University of Technology, Virtual and Physical Media Integration Association of Taiwan, Metaverse Alliance, NVIDIA, Meta, Oready Innovation LAB, Peppercorns Interactive Media Art Inc., Mountain Art Foundation, Compal Project Manager: Yi-Ning Lo