LEKANI / Alejandra Benet (ES/US), Ariathney Coyne (GR/US), Sara Koniarek (AT), Lucia Mauri (IT), Photo: Martina Pizzigoni


Alejandra Benet (ES/US), Ariathney Coyne (GR/US), Sara Koniarek (AT), Lucia Mauri (IT)

LEKANI is an immersive audiovisual contemporary dance performance. The powers that surveil society are invisible to the surveilled. These powers are abstract and self-regulating—applied from all angles. The boundaries between observation and surveillance become blurred. Artists and audience are immersed in a contemporary and explicit panopticon. The traditional observation tower is replaced by digital devices recreating a closed, guarded environment, resulting in a recursive relationship between surveillance and supervision.

We are the observers observing ourselves.