Sleepless Memories / Evelina Rajca (PL), Photo:

Sleepless Memories

Evelina Rajca (PL)

On the nature and futures of information processing

Exploring AI’s growth and invasive cognitive tech, the project addresses surveillance and ecological risks. It uses natural and artificial data storage (i.e., human memory and synthetic DNA) to encode (un)sound compositions therein. Navigating diverse consciousness states (non)invasively, it highlights memory’s power in decision-making. The project fosters discourse on information genesis and interpretation, aiming to reimagine futures with genuine accountability in terms of trust, security and care.

Evelina Rajca (PL)

Rajca’s artistic research on (conflict) resources and sleep-wake architectures led to DAAD fellowships (USA, South Africa), residencies at Rijksakademie (NL), and Headlands Center f.t. Arts(CA). Her multisensory works have earned global recognition, including the Jutta Cuny and Giga Hertz Awards, and features at ISEA Festival and Mekudeshet, Jerusalem.