Amplified Fencer Movement II / Gökay Atabek – Volksamt! (TR), Photo:

Amplified Fencer Movement II

Gökay Atabek – Volksamt! (TR)

Amplified Fencer is a research project that investigates the implicit choreography of a fencing match. The fencer’s movements are dissected via motion sensors, formatted with the help of a neural network and remapped to an experimental audio synthesizer. Inspired by late 19th century chronophotography experiments, the explosive compositions of the fencer are displayed stretched out over time, with artificial intelligence filling in the gaps where recording equipment (or the fencer) falls short.

Gökay Atabek – Volksamt! (TR)

Gökay Atabek is an artist, and art worker. After working as (un)skilled laborer for artists in Istanbul for some years, he relocated to the Netherlands, graduating from ArtScience Interfaculty in 2020. In 2018 he founded Volksamt! Kultur Manufaktur, a de facto collective for intermedia art and experimental music, specializing in genuine imitations.