Analog Sound Synthesis Fundamentals and Experimentation / Gabrielius Klemas (LT), Photo: Gvidas Bindokas

Analog Sound Synthesis Fundamentals and Experimentation

Gabrielius Klemas (LT)

The tutorial introduces the essential elements of analog modular synthesis and shows how to connect the modules. The aim is to learn how analog synthesis works sounds and how to think about signals. A signal is not just a natural phenomenon, it is a tool that allows us to create. Signals allow us to manipulate sound, to shape it like a sculpture.

Gabrielius Klemas (LT)

Gabrielius Klemas has been practicing his craft since the age of six. He has been designing electronics from the telecommunications industry to sound systems and lighting. Gabrielius and a friend founded a start-up which produces an authentic Lithuanian synthesizer, MONAI.